A three-year inquiry into the death of Princess Diana has dismissed conspirators' claims that she was murdered.
Do you agree? Or do you think the report is a cover-up?
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Here is a selection of your views.
A three-year inquiry into the death of Princess Diana has dismissed conspirators' claims that she was murdered.
Do you agree? Or do you think the report is a cover-up?
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Here is a selection of your views.
Bev Lomas
It has been 10 years now since Princess Diana died, just let her rest in peace,and let her family heal. She was a lovely lady,but now it time to leave her family to there own memories.
All her life Diana showed a staggeringly careless attitude towards basic safety protocols. Even now her sons are still photographed driving without seat belts. And it's also documented that the Queen drives around her estates without using that most basic of safety equipment. The only survivor of that crash was wearing his seatbelt. Diana's death was a tragedy waiting to happen. It's far more attractive to think there was a conspiracy. Makes a pointless, unnecessary and preventable death a bit more palatable.
Helene Julius
I don't care how many inquires they have, she was murdered. The royal family are a very powerful and secretive lot. They got what they wanted, maybe the truth will be revealed one day.
Collin Burt
Diana was a pretty woman, she had some troubles, she's dead. Nothing is going to change that so for heaven's sake DROP IT ! Change the subject, who cares any more? Move on. Drink drivers are commonplace. Conspiracy theorists are thick on the ground. BORING!
Arthur van Resseghem
As far as I am concerned Diana was murdered it is inconceivable that a person of Diana’s status surrounded by secret agents sworn to protect her, would then let her be driven in a car ,that is chaufeured by not only a drunk driver but also a drugged driver the driver of the car was drunk and out of it on drugs ,you cant tell me that the secret agents were not aware of that and the fact that they let him drive Diana points irrevocably to murder ,thats my conclusion and I have never believed anything else the royal family is drenched in the blood of their own relations all through history they have murdered their sisters mothers fathers etc. etc. Why would Diana be any different when she became a nuisance to the same royal family.
Darlene Donahue
I believe that she was murdered, there are too many unanswered questions. Too many of the people involved have been harassed, investigated, disappeared, and criminally charged. I do believe that the CIA and MI6 were watching her and her lover, of course they were!! As for the Royals, shame on you!! It just goes to show that just because you were born with blue blood, doesn't mean you have class. I really wish that the truth would come out, I think her sons need to know the truth of how their mother really died.
John Lewis
Princess who?
Bind Ziegler
Immediately upon hearing of Diana's death my gut instinct was, "this was no accident". Realistically, how convenient, not only was an engagement imminent, but to someone other than a 'white' blueblood. That would never do for the royal family. Added to this was the fact Charles wanted to remarry. Added to that she had made political enemies with her land mine cause. So with all of the above, wouldn't one think that it was just a 'little bit' too convenient.
Whilst the investigation was no doubtedly done with typically English exactness, with no stone unturned,
one would expect that the 'powers-that-be' would have covered their tracks well and as the paparazzi chases were a regular occurrence, they were the obvious choice for the appearance of an accident. The investigation may have concluded that Diana died as a result of an accident and not a conspiracy, but the timing and convenience leaves one in no doubt that this was not an accident.
I believe there was a sort of collusion but between whom I don't know. It would have been a disaster for Diana to have married a Muslim and not just any Muslim but one who has been banned from getting British citizenship. With all the world politics that have unfolded since, I really believe that Diana had to go.
Carl Halvorsen
Whenever a celebrity has an untimely death the conspiracy theorist come out of the wood work and preach to the gullible. It sells papers and womans magazines. She died in an accident like thousands of others. End of story.
Angela Paul
Much as I dislike the man I have agree with al-Fayed. Of course Diana was murdered! I knew this report would be a whitewash. What an insult to all of us that they actually expect us to believe this crock! There's no doubt this is a poor attempt at damage control to protect the guilty parties among whom are the royal family.
Charles Gates
My suggestion is, that it is a cover up, but for reasons many people will not have considered. Roman Catholic leaders have long wanted world domination in religion, by working through the state E.g."Guy Fawkes., Spanish Armada".or at least influencing the State to do its bidding. To counter this the "Westminster Confession" document was legislated and it required that the Monarch of the British Empire could never be a Roman Catholic. To prevent this from happening, Coronation ceremonies included an oath to uphold the Protestant religion. Queen Elizabeth uttered that oath in 1953. Prince Charles refused to do that,because he wanted to marry a Roman Catholic. Instead he says he will uphold "the faith".Also, being married to Princess Diana meant he could not marry Camilla. Both the Roman Catholic Church and the Prince had a motive for having Diana liquidated.The driver may have been drinking alcohol but he successfully drove the car until hit by a mysterious white Fiat. That impact caused the accident so who was behind the wheel of the Fiat. Until that has been established and the reason for racing to keep up with Princess Diana's car is determined, I for one will never accept that it was an accident. Another circumstantial piece of evidence concerns the calls from leaders of Countries that were under the protection of the King or Queen of the British Empire, suddenly making vociferous calls to become republics. Muldoon, Keating and the Canadian Prime Minister all made the call ostensibly so that it would demonstrate a "coming of age" or a maturity as a nation. The reality was that they were all sympathetic to Romes desire for a return of the Holy Roman Empire & world domination. Becoming a republic would have removed the "Westminster Confession" as an effective document of restraint, and allowed Prince Charles to pledge loyalty to "The faith" instead of "The Protestant Faith". They were unsuccessful, hence the Princesses death was the only option left. With Princess Diana's death,Prince Charles has married Camilla and if he becomes King,then his new Roman Catholic wife Camilla could be queen and Rome would have a seat in the highest of places that currently she cannot have. In this age of "tolerance" truth is often the victim. Just look at what happened in the "dark ages" when Rome controlled the Politics and religion to understand that those days must never come back. If they do, then the world will be plunged into a time of trouble such as it has never known before. This is not an attack on Roman Catholic adherents. I am suggesting that their organisation does have a track record and a motive as does previous Princes and Princesses.
Brigid Kelly
People really need to get over their obsessive insistence that Diana was murdered. She was killed in a car crash with a drunk guy at the wheel. It happens. Yes, even to rich, pretty people.
Carl Forster
Sorry it only takes 1 test to prove DIC (drunk in charge) and NOT 4 years. Sorry something smells here and I feel she was murdered. Maybe the paperaszi chasing her or something more sinister I done know.
Jacqueline Gillbanks
Before Diana was dead, Charles was referred to as a divorcee. He is now referred to as a "widower". Makes you think.
Lenice Hurndell
From the moment news reached our country, I remarked immediately, she was killed on orders, for sure !!
Poor thing she should never have married into the Royal Mafiosa family. Charlie only wished to have her to breed from as she was from better blood lines than himself. Reminds me of horse breeders, actually!
Moina Maru
Yes,i do think Princess Diana was murdered by the secret services.
How ridiculous. These mad conspiracy people even claim Bush was behind 9/11. Some people would believe anything to suit their crazy political ideas.
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