NB: Because of the restrictions on reporting or communicating by Internet from Iran, not all reports from Twitter, etc can be independently verified.
4.01pm: A female medical student in Iran writes:"The extent of injuries (to those hurt in riots) are so grave, that despite being one of the most staffed emergency rooms, they've asked everyone to stay and help--I'm sure it will even be worst tonight."
3.46pm:Google has just released a Farsi/English Translation service so you can more easily translate Tweets or Facebook pages from Iran.
3.35pm: There's been vigorous debate on Twitter today about Michigan Republican Pete Hoekstra's Tweet which compared the use of Twitter in Iran with House Republicans' dissatisfied Tweets last year when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided to adjourn Congress and ended a battle with Democrats over an energy bill. Someone angry about the comparison has put up a satire site about it.
3.25pm: Not everyone thinks Twitter, in its role in the coverage of Iran, has become the "new CNN of news." A Slate magazine writer argues here that we shouldn't get carried away with Twitter's role here.
3.00pm: Latest street videos to emerge from Iran are here on "CitzenTube" although it's not always clear when these rallies occurred.
2.54pm: More Flickr sets of photos from Iran
2.43pm: Reports that tonight Google will launch a Farsi/English Translation service to help people translate Tweets and blogs out of Iran.
2.35pm: A Canadian reporter tells how he was detained and beaten by the Ministry of the Interior in Iraq which mistook him for an anti-government protester.
2.26pm: Latest roundup of tweets from Iran say the 'black' protest was held today in Tehran. "Most people were wearing black in order to commemorate those protesters killed earlier this week, however, many people joined the protest coming out from work and were not wearing black. Mousavi, Karoubi, Rafsanjani and his family were all at the protests. At the same time, protesters were joined by Mullahs and university professors – who were apparently very vocal. The numbers of protesters was very high, however, among conflicting report, it seemed safe to estimate the number at least 1.5 million people and possibly much more. Late at night, a candle light vigil was also held. Protesters went to mosques to continue morning late into the night".
1.10pm: This You Tube video from Iran shows a "young woman pushed, then punched and kicked, by plainclothes Basiji paramilitaries."
It was filmed in Rasht, northern Iran but no date given.
1pm: Here's the latest official view from Iran.
Iran's "independent" news agency, Fars, reports: "The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran said in a statement on Thursday that the unity of the Iranian nation will thwart plots of all enemies and ill-wishers.
"The vigilant Iranian nation created an everlasting epic on last Friday adding another golden page to the history of the Islamic Revolution. It manifests the vigilance, responsibility and resolve of the Iranians to follow the path of the late Imam Khomeini."
It added that "enemies, who have always been unhappy with the victories of the Islamic Iran, were trying to destroy Iranians happiness after the election."
The massive turnout of voters had "improved Iran's position in the international equations and strengthened the government's resolve to materialize rights of the nation.
"This great and valuable victory belongs not only to all Iranians but to all freedom-seekers and well-wishers of the world,"
12.50pm: Much debate on Twitter about whether Mousavi supporters have really been told not to attend Friday prayers. Say Tweets from Iran: " If Mr Mousavi wants to cancel rally must appear in person or put more explanation on facebook. " Further ones say: "If hackers have taken over Mousavi's facebook page, we need to take it back !!! All avail hackers, can you work on it?"
12.40pm: On Twitter a "journalist / human rights activist" is claiming the Iranian protests have spread further: "The riot police and paramilitaries has been beating people quite badly by baton and arrested some of them in Tabriz today."
12.25pm Calls on Twitter to donate blood in Iran: "Severe shortage of blood supplies across all Iran hospitals."
12.11pm: Auckland Persian community staging protest Aotea Square at 4pm today.
12.10pm: Amnesty International says at least 170 people have been detained in Tehran since the election.
12.01pm: A message circulating on Twitter and Facebook reads: "Mousavi & Karoubi ask supporters NOT to attend Friday prayers (which is being delivered by supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei)" - but some people are suggesting this is not correct and has been distributed to stop people attending. A Tweet now being distributed widely claims: (This) "appears to be organized attack on Mousavi and Karroubi's facebook and twitter to send misleading messages."
11.41am: See more amateur photos of Tehran protests send via Twitter.
11.32am: A list has been published online of suspect Twitter accounts which may actually have been set up by Iranian security.
10.50am: Amateur footage capturing the march through central Tehran by supporters of defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi.
10.40am: Watch more video sent out by people from Iran of the attacks on protesters
""All of a sudden, about 15 people attacked me inside the car. They beat me with their batons and wanted to pull me out. My wife and my daughter who were sitting in the back seat cried and hold me tight. I also hold myself tight on the chair."
"I just heard the gunshots but my sister who had been on the scene at that part told me later that she saw 4 militia came out from a house and shot a girl. Then they shot a young boy in his eye and the bullet came out of his ear"
10.35am: Petition for Google Earth to upload satellite images of Tehran so we can all see what's going on there http://twitition.com/csfeo
9.45am: Photos being uploaded to flickr.com are extraordinary.
Check out the tag #Iranelection
9.30am: Twitter continues to be one of the few places where protesters are able to upload their discussion and photos.
9.20am: Protesters are partly getting around Iran government firewalls using sites like this.
9.19am: You can view some of the streams of video still coming out of the protests here. The latest shows a protester being dragged to safety after being apparently shot by security forces. Its YouTube channel is here.
9.10am: Latest uploads to YouTube on Iran here.
9.05am: The Guardian is running a daily blog linking to sites which explain what is going on in Tehran here.
9am: New Zealander Tze Ming Mok is linking on her twitter account to all the street level protest tweets out of Tehran. She is a New Zealand Chinese writer, currently based in London, and was formerly one of the writers on weblog Public Address. Check out her links here.
8.50am: Demotix, a website dedicated to citizen journalism and photos, is reporting from street level protests. Includes this wonderful report: "Everyone is so energized and pumped up but no one knows how it will all end so enthusiasm and anxiety are inseparable and unavoidable. The city is burning with equal doses of energy and rage and thugs who look like they've been unleashed from the city jail roam the streets wielding sticks and batons. The contrast between the civility of yesterday's mass protest and the brutality of the thugs (they don't even deserve to be called police or security) is almost unbearable. We cannot decide whether to rejoice or despair."
Its most prolific reporter is "Tehran Reporter".
8.40am: A twitter user is offering an application to turn twitter avatars to green to help support protesters in Iran.
The street eye view of the protests in Tehran
A wounded man is carried through crowds of protesters. Photo / Creative Commons image from flickr user faramarz
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