AUSTRALIA - Snow is forecast in bushfire-ravaged areas of Victoria for Christmas Day.
Temperatures over 30C and wind gusts of up to 100km/h were yesterday fanning the enormous bushfires which have placed dozens of communities at risk in Victoria's north and east.
But the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) says the four-day weather forecast holds some relief for the 4600 emergency personnel who have been battling the alpine fires.
Spokesman Duncan Pendrigh said rain was coming, "and it will be really cold on Christmas Day. Maybe even some snow, so it's crazy."
The Bureau of Meteorology confirmed it was forecasting up to 15mm of rain - the biggest rain dump this month. A cold stream of air would follow, and the bureau says this is expected to produce a light dusting of snow on Mt Buller, and other alpine peaks, on Christmas Day.
On the fire front yesterday, there were about 350 visiting firefighters from the ACT, NSW and New Zealand.
The Kiwi firefighters will return home today but a fresh contingent is due in Victoria in the first week of January.