Police are furious comedians from ABC TV comedy show The Chaser managed to breach Apec security, but they deny the stunt embarrassed authorities in charge of the Sydney summit.
Eleven Chaser crew members were arrested after the team tried to get inside the restricted zone near US President George W. Bush's hotel.
They passed through two check-points in a fake motorcade of three cars and two motorbikes hired by the crew, sporting the Canadian flag. Star Chas Licciardello was reportedly dressed as Osama bin Laden.
"I'm not embarrassed at all. What I am is very angry that such a stunt like this would be pulled," NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Dave Owens said. "This wasn't funny."
NSW Police Minister David Campbell added: "I don't see a funny side to what's happened today. I don't see a funny side at all. I'm extremely concerned people would take the sense of security so lightly."
But a Sydney Morning Herald website poll suggested the public disagreed - 87 per cent rated it funny.