TOKYO (AP) One-of-a-kind Lady Gaga has been replicated.
The pop star unveiled life-size dolls in her likeness, dressed in her flamboyant costumes, at a Tokyo event Sunday. A person leaning against the silicon doll's chest can hear Lady Gaga music and messages.
Gaga said she was honored to have replicas of herself. When her friends saw the dolls, "they were so excited to take pictures of me with the dolls and then all of a sudden the dolls took over. And the dolls were the most important thing in the room. And this is a beautiful thing," she said.
Japanese industrial and design companies teamed with her record label to create the Gagadoll, inspired by her new "Artpop" album. They're prototypes not yet available for sale.
At the news conference, the 27-year-old singer made her grand entrance wearing a red plaid jumpsuit and wrapped in coils of the same fabric.