WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 28: John Grunsfeld, associate administrator at NASA's Science Mission Directorate, speaks with colleagues at a press conference where NASA announced new findings that provi
WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 28: John Grunsfeld, associate administrator at NASA's Science Mission Directorate, speaks with colleagues at a press conference where NASA announced new findings that provi
The discovery of water seeping out of the steep slopes of Mars could be an indication of simple life forms on the red planet, Kiwi and international experts say.
Research released this morning confirms the discovery of salt water in liquid form that flows down certain Martian slopes each summer.
Stardome astronomer Dr Grant Christie said research had been underway since Nasa first discovered dark stops on the Martian slopes around five years ago.
While the liquid discovered of the surface of the slopes doesn't quite constitute a babbling brook - it's more like seepage out of a cliff face - Dr Christie said it was still a significant discovery.
"It's in very limited locality, so it doesn't alter the fact that Mars is still a very dry and inhospitable place to go and live. It does confirm that you can have brief flows of liquid water on Mars.
There were also other places in the solar system Dr Christie said were equally good opportunities to find life - such as Jupiter's moon Uropa and Saturn's moon Enceladus.
Dark narrow streaks called recurring slope lineae emanate out of the walls of Garni crater on Mars. Photo: Nasa/AFP/Getty Images
"I think the next step with Mars would be to get there and eventually sample some water from some of these reservoirs below the surface that presumably exist and examine them directly.
"It's possible the seepage flows that come out, if they could sample those, they could determine whether the chemistry of those indicated the presence of any life."
Dr Duncan Steel, a New Zealand-based Space Scientist at the Nasa-Ames Research Center, said the presence of liquid water had been expected and known about for some time.
"The major thing that has come about in the past two to three years is the recognition that there is a huge amount of 'salts' (in particular perchlorates) in the Martian soil, and the fact that these dissolve in water and drop its freezing point significantly is a new recognition from the past several years."
He was also set to be involved in future research with Nasa around the discovery of water on Mars and what lies below the surface.
"A proposed Nasa mission in which I am involved, Icebreaker Life, for launch in 2020 would do just what its title says: break through the top layer of ice/permafrost, and see what is below.
"There is much we must yet understand. There is certainly life in very salty environments on Earth, and studying extremophiles is a big thing."
However, the presence of water on Mars doesn't necessarily mean we'll all be rushing to set up colonies in the future, Dr Christie said. It's still an inhospitable environment for humans, due to the lack of atmosphere, exposure to radiation and temperatures that drop well below freezing.
"Presumably you could live in some sort of subterranean dwelling unit for some time, which would provide some protection - but who wants to go to Mars to live in a hole in the ground."
While Dr Christie "very much doubted" the announcement was timed to coincide with this Friday's release of the Nasa-backed space flick The Martian, "you can't rule anything out with Nasa".