The news footage played a sorry little tale: a typical set-up and typical photo op in a dimmed room with two drooping flags. United States President Barack Obama and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas buttoned their jackets, faced the cameras and shook hands firmly for a flashbulb few seconds. Obama beamed like a dumb-lucky Stones fan who'd cornered Mick Jagger in a hallway. Snap snap. Snap snap.
"Thaaanks. Got it!" called an unseen voice.
The teeth were gone in an instant, the cheeks sank, and without even looking at each other Obama and Abbas lowered into their chairs, a picture of wearied men. That's that, then.
Even for the most optimistic, Obama's tour of Israel never seemed likely to effect monumental progress. A few photo ops were about the best anyone had hoped for, and before flying out the President's staff insisted on lowering expectations to greater depths. A "listening tour", as they described it, again sounded Rolling Stones-fan-esque.
Considering it was his first tour to Israel as President, the approach rather contrasted Obama's original, lofty presidential dreams.