President Bush has announced his latest policy for Iraq. Is this the right move? Or should troops be withdrawn?
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President Bush has announced his latest policy for Iraq. Is this the right move? Or should troops be withdrawn?
>> Read the Bush plan
>> Send us your views
Here is the latest selection of your views:
George Bossio
As an American I find all of your published reader views very interesting. From my prospective as a follower of Christ I offer these views of the Bush administration: 1. From the beginning, Bush and co presented themselves with a false facade. True followers of Christ do not kill others. JC would have no use for the NRA. Bush was simply using naive, misguided evangelicals to get into office.
2. His original agenda centred mostly on destroying the liberal social structure developed by Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson and others that made this country such a desirable place to live. They wanted to dismantle social security, Medicare, welfare, affirmative action and any program that resembled socialism. Additionally they wanted desperately to reign in the IRS to look more generously upon Bush’s base as he refers to them(the rich and powerful). 3. The problem of Iraq and Hussein at that time was being handled diplomatically with the military threat as the unspoken but always present undercurrent for
arm twisting. Osama was ignored as a one-time ally who was no longer needed. Unfortunately, 9/11 changed everything and opened up a window of opportunity for Bush and company to jump into! Those who were once allies become a target for the richest most powerful nation in the world to attack. Hussein was aided considerably by the US in his attacks on the Kurds and Iran with munitions including chemicals. Osama was aided in his jihad in Afghanistan against the former Soviet Union with training and munitions. With 9/11 as an excuse, Bushco planned to rid the world of a Muslim terrorist(Osama) and the man(Hussein) who was upsetting his personal friends (oil sheiks)in the Arabian peninsula. Saddam was hanged but his co-conspirators are free to continue killing(Bushco). I am saddened by this era in American history.
Dan Ney
All you bleeding heart liberals that cant seem to understand that the only way a problem is solved is by meeting it head on have lived a very sheltered life and have no concept of the real world. I am so glad that Mr. Bush is standing his ground and doing what is right for the U.S.A. and the rest of the world. You seem to forget that not one of the military personal were drafted. They have all joined of there free will to protect and serve. Face it, we live a dangerous world because there have been no consequences for negative actions. Liberals only will slap the hand and bury there heads in the sand so reality can not stair them in the eye.
Derek Peach
Why the criticism of Bush? With the exception of just a few, most people are totally blind to the real war. It has been said that the war on terrorism, coming from radical Muslims, must be won. I totally agree, and lets not kid ourselves, if the radical Muslims win, the remaining so called moderate Muslims will join them and together they will take the world into an unimaginable catastrophe. The only difference between radicals and so called moderates is method. The goal is an Islamic world. We in the west must decide now what we want. Freedom, or bondage to a religion that is taking its followers directly to the abyss. Those who call for an end to the war in Iraq and other area’ of the world where Muslim terrorists are doing their thing, are playing directly into the hands of these killers, and will eventually reap the rewards of their stupidity. History will record Bush as a great leader in the defence of freedom in spite of the ignorant majority wanting him to quit. Incidentally, majority does not always equate with correctness. I’m an ex Kiwi now Australian, and I’m glad John Howard is supporting Bush; we need a leader in this area of the world with some intestinal fortitude
Marian Albers
Since the last elections it was obvious that the population wanted a change of direction - many Republicans changed over to the Democratics, only to try to restrain Bushs insane plans to win a war that can’t be done at all. He is losing left and right suppport, but goes on and acts as a dictator now. He is paranoïd about loosing face - that many of his soldiers loose their lives is not an issue for him. And the strange thing is that still many military families are proud to let their sons and husband/wive go to war. I write a lot with Americans, but their patriotism is beyond normal thinking. Some change now too, and do not support Bush anymore, but still too many see him as a sort of Emperor without Clothes. Bush should be impeached, who who dares to do this? The Democrats are working hard, but mainly about important national issues. They do not want to loose support from newly won ex-republicans. I wished they all had a bit more backbone and would impeach him, as soon as possible. He is doing much harm to the world, not only to Iraq but the whole Middle East might be set on fire. He should have listened to his own promise that, if the Iraqi government would ask him to let them rule themselves, he would start retreating his soldiers. He does the opposite, so to me it is clear that he has lost his senses and feels too high and mighty. Saddam is not there anymore, so Bush himself should retreat to America to care for his own country.
Sue Rendall
Bush has completely lost touch with reality. He needs to be impeached.
Mary Anderson
By sending more troops into Iraq, Bush and Co are not achieving anything, other than contributing to more unnecessary suffering, bloodshed and loss of life on both sides of the fight. Nothing positive or good will ever come out of this whole fiasco. From the time he entered office as President of the US, George Bush has been, and still is the biggest threat to world peace and stability; no one else.
Alan Swallow
Where have I heard this protecting the world from --- line of George Bushs before? Of course, it was used as justification for invading Vietnam in the 70s. Then it was to protect the world from Communism. Remember? If the Americans did not stop Ho Chi Minh in his tracks then the Domino theory would kick in and the whole of the Far East would succumb to the Marist doctrine. Well America did pull out of Vietnam just as it will be forced to pull out of Iraq but the sky did not fall in, the East has certainly not turned to Communism, far from it Private businesses flourish as well there as anywhere else in the world. Why should leaving Iraq to the Iraqis be any different? Baghdad 200? will see a re-run of Saigon April 1975 when the last troops were airlifted off the embassy roof. This time the Green Zone will be the exit point as that American enclave shrinks to extinction under pressure from the insurgents. The need for more troops to keep retaking areas of Baghdad, supposedly cleared of insurgents, proves that it is a city under siege. History shows that such battles always end with the invaders, especially if they are a long way from home, being defeated. Mr. Bush should realise that he needs a ladder, not more shovels, to get out of that huge hole he has dug himself into.
S Mohanakrishnan
How ironical that Bush is sending more troops to Iraq to bolster a Governemnt dominated by Shiites when Iran (which is a Shiite nation) is America’s arch-enemy. While most of the other oil powers in the Middle East like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Emirates, Kuwiit, etc which are friends of USA are Sunni nations. And American troops are going to battle and kill Sunni militia members. The devil must be having a hearty laugh. Wonder how this will play out?
Rebecca Snyder
This decision is as wrong as the decision to go into Iraq in the first place. I love the way Bushco proposes a war and gets congress to approve it (based on the lies he was telling at the time, WMD’s and all) all the while none of their sons and daughters find it a good enough cause to go and fight for it. Bush is not trying to remove evil from the world, he is blinded by the dollar signs in his eyes (Halliburton, Dick Cheney, no-bid contracts etc.) and his own personal agenda (Saddam threatening his father). Unfortunately he has the power to drag the US military into his vendetta and money grubbing. Iraq never attacked the U.S., yet this so-called war on terror was waged here. Seems I remember something about Al-Qaida and Bin Laden being responsible for the 9-11 attacks. I am pretty sure that they were in Afghanistan. Missed the mark a little bit. I do not believe a word he says. I do not think more troops will help win this war (neither do the generals on the ground). I think he is merely trying to save face and make himself look a little better if at all possible. He lives in a different reality than the rest of us, he is totally out of touch.
Agree 100 per cent Stop the war. We should be joining them to protest against Bushs craziness.
This latest plan sounds completely off the wall. This so called war on terror has failed mainly because Bush and his team has failed to understand one simple underlying fact, that terrorists are not going to be standing around in plain sight, in easily identifiable uniforms, waving their guns for you to shoot at. Thus, sending all those troops into Iraq was pointless from that singular point of view. The similarity to Vietnam is evident. You cannot fight an enemy that you cannot see. Do not misunderstand, getting rid of Saddam was probably a good thing to do from a humanitarian morality point of view, although from a national sovereignty point of view, the action was completely unjustified, but the entire action itself in Iraq thus far is a waste of time, resources, money and more importantly lives on all sides. So, irrespective of how many more soldiers Mr. Bush sends in, those numbers will never be enough. And yes, Bush and his Administration is now stuck because after sprouting the stay the course line for the past few years, they can not very well turn around now and say Umm, actually, bye bye because to do so would literally make not only Bush and his administration the laughing stock of the world but will also end up dragging all of America through the mud too. After all, the American people put him in power (although this is debatable since Bush legally came into power via a judicial decision). As for all those who ask the following question Who made America the World’s police ? I would really like to know the answer to this too since America has no concept whatsoever about the diversity of lives and cultures there are existing in the world today, so what gives America the right to tell the rest of the world what is right and what is wrong. Note that, the UN has frequently refused to back the actions of America but this has done nothing to deter those actions from going forward. What are the solution(s) if it’s not to send more soldiers into Iraq ? Simple, right now practically the whole world is telling Bush to get out of Iraq and the mid-east, so, you make a stand and say Alright we will go but under no circumstances will we allow any trade, medical supplies, food, money, and/or people out of Iraq from this moment forward. In fact, nothing is coming out or going in to the area until further notice. Then you simple blockade the entire country. Make it perfectly clear that you will eliminate anyone who steps over the border, you will sink any ships, shoot down any planes, that fly into or out of the area. Sounds tough? Look at it this way, at least now, no one can say that America is actively seeking war and you’re reducing your exposure by actually choosing the field where you now want to fight your battle. The bottom line is this, if everyone is telling you to get out, then do the smart thing and get out. But, do it in such a way as to at least ensure that you have covered yourself somehow. Bush, heed this message: you can not win in Iraq.
Would not it be hilarious if Irag is playing us and by the time we sufficiently mobilise, train, and arm them, they bite the hand that fed them. Does anyone really believe that allof the civilian lives we have been a part of murdering will go unavenged? And how do we know that when we try and pull out of Iraq, they wont kill everyone. Food for Thought, just another reason none of this should have happened in the first place. All we did was help to create a new military power in the world.
Russell Peace
The Iraqi government could maintain security if the US would stop its invasion and withdraw. A Middle East coalition should work with Iraqis to give them what they want. The latest US strategy will backfire. People in the Middle East will not stop protecting their way of life. Would not you resist a foreign occupation of your country? Military globalisation is not a good idea. Hitler tried and failed too. Then there is Nicaragua, Vietnam, and Korea. Even as far back as 1812, the US attempted to take over Canada. It failed. That is when we burned down their White House.
Stuart Simpson
Bush or Saddam? I think they are one of the same and should be tried and executed in the same manner. Irag never had WMDs and if they did the US would be holding the receipts. This war is all about oil and anyone says different is a fool. I have no sympathy for the US they deserve it,911 was a result of their foreign policy since the 60s.Until the US gets rid of Bush by one way or another things will not become better, providing they have someone in charge who does not have an IQ of a boiled potato. If they want peace in the region they must open diplomatic relations with all countries in that region. Bring Israel to heel and enforce peace there. Iran has the right to have nuclear power to supply their people.The west missed the boat by not offering their knowledge and assistance where by they could insure that weapons could not happen. Israel has WMDs and they must be disarmed. The whole issue is due to Bushs stupidity. He is not fit to lead. Irag was a classic case of the US interfering they have caused murder and mayhem. By all means send more troops to fill the bags. Let the Iragi people have a say.this is state terrorism (Israel and the US ) being guilty of murder. Enough is enough.
Brendan Foster
Well 21500 more American lambs to the slaughter. The war was a disgrace and this is just a reflection of that and further things to come. Iam certainly glad that Iam not an American .How shameful would that be?. The most powerful nation facing another huge defeat and guaranteed retaliation. Saddam may not have been such a good man but he was more able to run Iraq than Washington and its greedy policies. You live by the sword, you perish by the sword!
Rakesh Krishnan
As long as Bush is the legally elected representative of the people of the US he is within his rights to make cannon fodder of them. They have elected him twice and having made their bed they have to sleep in it. In the old Hindu scriptures it was said that the personality of the king of a country was a reflection of the personality of the people, so this is what the people of the US of America wanted and so that is what they will get. As far as the people of Iraq are concerned, they can take hope from the Vietnam war and fight determinedly for self rule and they will get it. The propped up Saigon government fell and the will of the people prevailed. Likewise this puppet government of Iraq will fall if the people want that badly enough.
Milton Dearborn
It is time for all Americans who believe that this illegal and immoral war and this so-called president be stopped. The funds for war must be stopped! This president must be impeached and held for war crimes. The American people must become more active in their country and do whatever they can do to be a positive force for change. Send letters,emails,join the marches and pray for help from God and all of His light forces to join us in this fight for justice and peace on earth!
Dinah Davis
Bush is foolish if he thinks extra troops will do the trick. This is a war of beliefs about who should control the worlds assets and minds...just everyday regular business activity justified by bs.
Phillip P. Yarish
I disagree strongly with sending any more troops to Iraq. Just the opposite. It is time to begin to bring these troops home. If this policy goes ahead, I will join others protesting in the streets until this wrongheaded policy is reversed.
Gerard Otto
The Iraq War today was preplanned by the neoconservatives within the Bush Administration when the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) think tank released a paper in 1991 that stated they required a New Pearl Harbour in order to provide a pretext for their ambitions for regional dominance in the Middle East. This war is not about saving lives of Iraqi people from a dictator, nor is it about stemming terrorism, nor is about weapons of mass destruction. This war is about strategic regional dominance around the vast oil reserves around the Caspian Sea. Control of these oil fields prevents China and Russia from gaining advantage over the Unites States in the decades to come. Sending 21,500 more troops into Iraq is consistent with the plan to establish a military presence in Iraq that will remain there in the region. Fomenting civil war and sectarian violence to further the economic agenda of the USA has been the trademark tools of CIA covert operations for half a century. These operations generally remain covert from the American people as well as Western Media until they are declassified. The pretext for this war was 911. The questions that demand answers about the role of the CIA and the ISI in Pakistan in 911, the extraordinary trading of put options on United Airlines before 911, the failure to act upon security briefings and warnings from the FBI, Russia and Moussad, the unexplained collapse of WTC Building 7 and the incredible lack of accountability within the Pentagon for the failures in security are unlikely to be answered until an independent commission provides these for the public. I believe many New Zealanders can see that democracy cannot survive continued contamination by coverups, covert false flag operations that start wars and a corporate owned media. Increasingly our own lives are made more transparent whilst the lives of the industrial military complex architects - are increasingly protected in secrecy.
Patrick McCann
The United States and their allies are far too deep into Iraq to pull out now. This is not Vietnam.The US were able to walk away from that situation ,as they were also able to pull out from Somalia after the failed, rescue mission(1992-1994) To me, this is the Mother of all Earth battles(as Saddam said in 1991,before "Operation Dessert Storm")in the war on The Terrorists. President Bush has to see it through to the end. Unless the newly elected,senators and Congress people can come up with an alternative plan, President Bush should be allowed to send the extra troops to beef up the US military presence already there. At the same time I think the Iraq Military forces, should take more responsibility to halt the sectarian violence After all this is their country. Now that Saddam is gone, the Iraq people should now work together in stabilising the region, instead of internal fighting. For the United States to withdraw now is total capitulation. We are not dealing with the Communists now. We are fighting extremists,who are doped on religon. They(the terrorists)are not worried about the innocent people they kill (in the name of Islam).If the US pulls out of the region, the extremists will follow the Americans back to the States and carry out more acts of terror. To me, it is win or lose.
William G May
It seems clear that President George Bush in not interested in capturing those responsible for the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Centre buildings in New York. The whole reason for going to war in the first place was to find, and prosecute those responsible for this terrorist act? During this president’s term in office, we have gone from a surplus of billions of dollars to a trade deficit of almost a trillion dollars. The moral high ground that the US stood for has gone from respected to laughed at. The US needs to withdraw troops and needs to stop funding the independent contractors that are robbing American taxpayers every second. Get real people, wake up, they do not want peace they cant make money out of it. Death and misery is how they operate, you pay or else you die.
Concerned Asian
I am reading many response in support of Bush’s illegal war in IRAQ. I’ll deal with a few points (lies really) that the war supporter used in their argument:
1. Saddam is evil, US is justified to invade IRAQ to catch him. Well, beside the fact that the war was Illegal, one very simple point. If the war was about Saddam, it should have ended four years ago. So Saddam was totally irrelevant to the war. He is, at best, a convenient excuse
2. Situation in Iraq is very bad under Saddam. While I doubt Iraq under Saddam could be worse than the US under Bush, I would assume it was. However, at least during Saddam reign, Iraq was basically a sovereign country which is among the most developed country in the region. Now Iraq is a sorry excuse of civil war and foreign occupation.
3. For those who worried that Muslims want to kill us all and take over the world? Well, they will never be fast enough. At least not as fast as the United State. the US under the leadership of various warmongers, has already been trying to kill the world (together with its ecosystem and culture) since the Cold War. You need only take a look at US military strength (more than the rest of the world combined) to know who you should really be worried about, unless, of course, you happened to be an American.
4. The World will be a better place when the current Neo-nazi American government is gone. Americans have serious shaping up to do, otherwise the world will be better doing without one. After all, who is Saddam but a mere pawn of the American’s war game?
Joseph Barnett
Here we go again - Bush bashing. I'm not totally sure about the idea of sending more troops, but I'm sick of these folks who keep writing of Bush as a 'monster', a 'war monger' and 'should be tried for war crimes'. These people are quick to jump in and give their opinion about how bad war is and 'give peace a chance' but they can't offer up any alternative. What, should we just have left Saddam there to abuse, torture and murder his own people? Is that Justice? What about Edmund Burke's statement "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing". It's very easy for us to sit here in our comfortable living rooms sipping lattes and chanting "all we are saying, is give peace a chance" while Iraqis die under the reign of a ruthless dictator. Yes, Iraq may be in a little bit of a mess now, but the people there are better than they were under Saddam's reign. So, to all those Bush bashers, if you can't think of any other positive way to move forward (as even the Democrats can't), then just shut up about it and let the man do his job. I'd posit that you don't give a toss about the people of Iraq; you just like attacking the US. Saddam has just been found guilty of crimes against humanity and executed; that ought to tell you something about whether we should have gone in or not.
Helen Claire Guthrie
Wrong decision - all wars are fought to keep politicians in power and do almost nothing for those who have to face the guns. Look at the result of the Second World War - enemies are now friends, it is all so futile
Congratulations to President Bush for coming up with a way to win Iraq. The extra 20,000 will help because troops are already spread too thin and any extra help be most helpful. Any move to pull out bought by the left will be a huge mistake in the making, if the Americans go home, the terrorists will follow them home. To win Iraq, we need to pull out - all media, the media is behind most failures in Iraq with there "sensationalised", until the media relies this, and relies that, like Vietnam, they are to blame for a lot of service men and women deaths, and until the democrats relies they are wrong, Iraq will not be won. Iraq is going to at least 5 years of commitment and everyone has to just accept that reality. We can not and must not fail in Iraq for the sake of the Middle-East, for the Free world and for our families, and if we lose Iraq 9/11 will be seen as a toothpick in a wave of terror and we will only have the "do-gooders" to blame. Time will tell Bush was right in 2003, as he was right today.
Daniel Godfrey
Let me ask you this. How many of the people ranting here have actually been to Iraq? Have you any idea of the situation here beyond what you see on the news? Jon Tocker in particular. Has George Bush put people through a giant meat grinder while the family watched? Has he raped wives and daughter in front of their fathers and husbands. You have no concept of the monster Saddam Hussein was. For a start, the US military stays here at the invite of the Iraqi government. And most of the views here miss the big point. If they pull out now, the extremists, not just here but all around the world will see that as a victory against not just the US but against the whole western world. And don't forget the fact that the Islamic extremists only have two choices. Convert to Islam or die. That's it. And they are perfectly will to carry out there threat. If the States pull out now, it will give all these groups the courage to hold other countries to ransom. Try looking at the big picture here. I agree, Bush has really screwed up on this one. They are stuck, and face some hard choices. As for Jon Tucker, would you have said the same of me and my friends if you had perceived the East Timor mission to be illegal? And another point for Peter Armstrong. If America isn't the worlds policeman, then who is?
I don't think many people fully appreciate the serious threat that Militant Islam presents to civilization as we know it. Spelled out in words of one syllable: They. Want. To. Kill. Us. All. Stone. Dead. And. Take. The. World. By. The. Sword. It really isn't a question of peaceful co-habitation: Militant Islam doesn't believe in that. It believes in making everybody worship Allah, by force if necessary. Those who do not are to be made "Dhimmis" or slaves and pay a punitive tax in exchange for their lives. Sounds like fun, huh. Militant Islam hates our Liberties and Freedoms, and will use them against Western Civilization as weapons for our own destruction. Those who are critical of President Bush and his War on Terror ought to be given 1st Class tickets to Iraq, and the opportunity to negotiate with these terrorists face-to-face: two-to-one we get to see these "negotiators" dressed in orange jump-suits with their heads in their laps, on live TV. Ask Danny Pearl what that's like. In the West our only frame-of-reference is our nice, peace-loving Moderate Muslim neighbor or friend and his family, who are not a part of this bloodthirsty agenda and who are as much at threat as the rest of us are: Militant Islam is a whole 'nuther ballgame: it is not a religion so much as it is a Death Cult. For my money, "Carry on, Mr President: you are doing just fine. Pay no attention to the clowns: just do your job."
God Bless America
Gordon Dryden
So far: 3000 Americans killed, 22,000 severely wounded, at least 200,000 Iraqis killed, US$600 billion spent by America, which has left the entire country devastated, millions out of work, millions of refugees. So what would be American "success"? Twice those numbers? Talk about "the axis of evil". The sooner the man is impeached and thrown out the better.
Jackie Irvinr
President Bush, went in all guns blazing after 9/11, should have taken the situation a bit slowly, never caught Bin laden, gave them all chances to escape, now he is going to sacrifice another load of good home boys to save face , after losing 3000 young men with families, it's heart breaking,, may be wrong, but I would suggest, leave them,, I think far more terrorists have been created, through this.
Diane Raabe, Denmark
I do not think there will be peace in the Middle East until the USA-Government (Haliburton, Carlyle and all other war-mongers are brought to trial for murder,
invading Iraq and interfering in other countries politics- Stop producing so many weapons and get on with cleaning up the environment and feeding everyone. That is the only way to stop "legalised murder" of innocent civilians -world wide - not only in America or Middle East - World wide ! I know now why I read as a child "Army Go Home" it still applies today Army Go Home and stay home"
Jona Hjelmstrom
Bush should lead by example and send some of the younger Bush clan into the Iraq front line.
I absolutely agree with the proponents of making George Bush feel the pinch of his decision in "carelessly gambling" (in the words of John Waterman) the lives of his people. In fact, he should be the first to send his twin daughters to the front line. This would serve the purposes of firstly, setting a great example as the president of the US; and secondly, it would teach him a lesson to start feeling for the families of each life he sends to the war, so he would learn to be more humane and spare a thought for those affected before coming to such decisions in the future.
There was once a song written about the quandary Bush faces. It went something along the lines "should I stay or should I go". Brings to mind a few wise words: Be careful what you wish for, it may come true"
I am an Aussie and I agree with most of the comments posted. We have a problem with Johnny Howard being GWB's lap dog. We need to do something about removing this idiotic moron from government.
Ken Hart
Bush is a danger to the whole world, and must be stoped. Another 20,000 troops, and when that fails, is he to send another 20,000 ? When he says "America must not fail" he really means "Bush must not fail". Would somebody please tell him he has failed.
James Smith
When will this guy learn ? - This is a Vietnam war all over again - and it is said that history never repeats - Mr Bush, it is time to call it a day in Iraq.
Yvonne P
History will show in time (and always too late) that this was never a war on terror but a war for oil, unfortunately at the expense of innocent lives. When summing up the millenium only one word will be required: Greed.
Richard Clark
The US President was flawed by invading Iraq, it was totally illegal, it was built on lies and deceit. Stating that he has "no choice" merely builds on his weakness as a leader. America is a smart country, surely there are choices, a dialogue wouldn't go astray, diplomacy is a legitimate tool in this case. It is sheer laziness not to try a different, albeit tougher, option. But to sign a death warrant for the troops and the civilians because, as has been shown, it will only increase the resistance.
Bush's mind-numbingly idiotic strategy to embark on a potentially disastrous escalation of the Iraq war, will lose the presidency for the Republicans in 2008. The relatively small number of troops will not quell the violence, as they are spread too thin. Bush has fired military commanders in Iraq who have said this. The Decider cannot accept defeat in Iraq since it means a failed presidency for him. He will try to keep the lid on until he can hand off the problem to his successor. There is no republican candidate capable of withstanding the heat which is probably why Bill Frist left when he did (he'll be back). It's either McCain (boo) or Clinton (hiss) for Pres in 08.
John Waterman
I suggest that Bush and his cronies set a fine example to the countrymen and women with whose lives he so carelessly gambles, and to be among the first to head to the Iraq front lines. In fact, I would make it man
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