VIENNA - Iran could stop enriching uranium "in the best case" only as a result of negotiations with major world powers, but not as a precondition for such talks, a senior Iranian official has said.
It appeared to be the first time Tehran had hinted at the possibility of suspending nuclear fuel enrichment the West sees as an atomic bomb risk. But the insistence that suspension could only happen after talks, was likely to be rejected.
Javad Vaeedi, deputy head of Iran's national security council and of its nuclear negotiating team, said Tehran was taking its time to reply to an offer of incentives to halt nuclear work in order "to maximise the chances of success of this proposal".
"Iran considers a suspension of uranium enrichment not as a precondition for talks, rather in the best case as a result of talks," he said in a speech to a rightist political foundation in Vienna, headquarters of the UN nuclear watchdog.
"Negotiations without preconditions is the only way to a peaceful resolution of this crisis," he said.
He said that under no circumstances would Iran renounce its "legitimate right" to a civilian nuclear energy programme as a party to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The West believes Iran wants to make highly enriched uranium that could be used in atomic bombs. Tehran says it only wants to make low-level enriched fuel used in nuclear power stations.
The United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany have presented Iran with a deal, including access to advanced civilian nuclear technology, but say Tehran must suspend enrichment before any discussions can start.
Asked after his speech why Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had set an Aug. 22 deadline for replying to the offer, more than a month beyond that set by the six powers, Vaeedi said Iran could not be rushed on such a complex matter.
"The EU countries know that this offer must be considered by different elements in Iran with different points of view. This careful study means we are maximising the chances of success of this proposal."
Iran could halt uranium work but 'only after talks'
Iran says it only wants to enrich fuel for use in nuclear power stations.
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