Nathan Phillips, a war veteran and indigenous rights activist, speaks on being surrounded by jeering MAGA supporters.
A group of five black men shouting vulgar insults while protesting centuries of oppression.
Dozens of white Catholic high school students visiting Washington for a rally to end abortion.
And Native Americans marching to end injustice for indigenous peoples across the globe who have seen their lands overrun by outside settlers.
The three groups met for just a few minutes last weekend at the base of the Lincoln Memorial, an encounter captured in videos that went viral over the weekend — and again cast a spotlight on a polarised nation that doesn't appear to agree on anything.
At first the focus was on a short video showing one of the high school students, Nick Sandmann, wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat and appearing to smirk while a crowd of other teens laughed derisively behind him, as he faced off against a 64-year-old Native American, Nathan Phillips, who played a traditional chant on a drum.
Pull back further and a different view emerged, however, in a separate video showing members of a group calling itself the Black Hebrew Israelites taunting everyone on the mall that day, calling the Native Americans who had gathered there for the Indigenous Peoples March "Uncle Tomahawks" and "$5 Indians" and the high school students "crackers" and worse.
It was an ugly encounter of spewed epithets but one that nevertheless ended with no punches thrown or other violence.
Still, the videos were all over social media, again appearing to illustrate a nation of such deep divisions — racial, religious and ideological — that no one was willing to listen to the others' point of view.
Add to that the political tensions spilling over from a government shutdown that has gone on for a month and the stage was set for a viral moment.
But in this case, the videos didn't tell the whole story, all the parties involved agree.
"I would caution everyone passing judgment based on a few seconds of video to watch the longer video clips that are on the internet, as they show a much different story than is being portrayed by people with agendas," Sandmann, a junior, said in a statement released on Monday.
Snow covers the grounds of Covington Catholic High School in Park Hills, Kentucky.
Sandmann's statement does seem at odds with some video from the confrontation that showed students from his school, Covington Catholic High in Park Hills, Kentucky, laughing at Phillips' Native American group and mockingly singing along with him, as well as interviews with Phillips who said he heard the students shout "Build that wall!" and "Go back to the reservation!"
The fullest view of what happened came from a nearly two-hour video posted on Facebook by Shar Yaqataz Banyamyan.
It showed members of his Black Hebrew Israelite group repeatedly interacting with the crowd as people from the Indigenous Peoples March and the high school students vigorously argued with them for a few minutes.
Sandmann said in his statement the students from his all-male high school were waiting for their buses near Banyamyan's group when the latter started to taunt them.
One of the students took off his shirt and the teens appeared to try to do a haka.
Protesters gather outside the Catholic Diocese of Covington yesterday in Covington.
Phillips, an elder of the Omaha tribe, and Marcus Frejo, a member of the Pawnee and Seminole tribes, said they felt the students were mocking the war dance and walked over to intervene.
Phillips and Sandmann locked eyes, their faces inches apart. Both men said their goal was simply to make sure things didn't get out of hand. But caught on video, the encounter still went viral.
The high school students felt they were unfairly portrayed as villains in a situation where they say they were not the provocateurs.
"I am being called every name in the book, including a racist, and I will not stand for this mob-like character assassination," Sandmann said in his statement.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington apologised for the incident, promising an investigation that could lead to punishment up to expulsion if any wrongdoing by the students was determined.
Don’t think this is true. As of right now, they have not been invited, I’m told.
The Covington students aren’t coming to the WH tomorrow, or this week.
The Indigenous Peoples Movement felt the encounter was a reminder the US was founded on racism and President Donald Trump's presidency is rekindling hatred based on skin colour.
"Trump has riled up a reactionary voting block that reminds us that we are a nation founded on patriarchy, genocide and racism. Trump is clearly giving these archaic instincts license, encouraging the kind of aggressive goading that I witnessed," movement spokesman Chase Iron Eyes said in a statement.
Trump himself weighed with several tweets in as some news reports questioned whether the early criticism of the students was warranted.
Banyamyan posted his own reaction on Facebook, referencing the dozens of high school students in their Make America Great Again gear coming over to his group of five and chanting. In a rambling video, he also praised Phillips and compared Sandmann to the devil.
After the sun set and the Covington high school students left, Banyamyan's video showed a few police officers stopping by to check on his group as they were wrapping up their protest.
One of the officers said they were worried by the number of people that briefly massed in that one spot.
One of the Black Hebrew Israelites said there were no problems.
"We weren't threatened by them," he said. "It was an okay dialogue."
Whoopi Goldberg on the media smearing the Covington Catholic boys: "So many people admitted they made snap judgments before all these other facts came in. ... Why is that? Why do we keep making the same mistake?"
Media blunders this week: -hardly any coverage of #MarchforLife -Buzzfeed lies about Cohen case -slandering Covington Catholic students over false narrative -slandering Karen Pence for working at Christian school
3 out of 4 are fundamentally anti-Christian. Just last 7 days.
The Covington kids were obnoxious & disrespectful to the Native elder & Vietnam vet. Their guardians and teachers failed them in this situation as well. They should apologize, do better and that's that. But it'll never happen because "both sides" & perpetual anger and victimhood.
— Wajahat "Wears a Mask Because of a Pandemic" Ali (@WajahatAli) January 22, 2019