There is another side, of course, to the recent propaganda against Iran, mostly influenced by American mass media, and the United States making baseless allegations and imposing illegal unilateral sanctions against certain Iranian nationals, as well as financial, military and other institutions.
The unilateral measures imposed by the US Government yet again put on display the unilateralist approach of the United States and are doomed to fail because of their illegal, illegitimate, and hegemonic nature. Undoubtedly, labelling sovereign nations and aspects of their national institutions as terrorist is against the most basic principles of international law, international relations and the United Nations Charter.
To the knowledge of all, and despite the massive misleading political and propaganda campaign orchestrated by the United States and its proxies, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is an essential part of the Iranian national military force.
It has made immense sacrifices in defending the Iranian territorial integrity, including its heroic defence of the country vis-a-vis the United States-instigated aggression by Saddam Hussein against Iran.
Because of their heroic contribution in defending the country, including through offering hundreds of thousands of martyrs and wounded who have sacrificed their lives in this regard, the Revolutionary Guard Corps has its roots deep in the hearts and minds of the Iranian nation.
Through targeting the corp and Iranian defence forces and institutions, the US is therefore targeting the whole Iranian nation.
As stressed, time and again, by International Atomic Energy Agency officials and reports, the nuclear programme of Iran is purely peaceful and there is no evidence or indication to the contrary.
Whereas the US has failed to provide the slightest evidence with regard to "proliferation concerns" in Iran, our country has demonstrated the peaceful nature of its nuclear programme through complete transparency and full co-operation with the atomic energy agency and its robust inspections. Equally baseless are the absurd allegations on the so-called "support for terrorism" levelled against certain Iranian entities or nationals.
Iran is one of the first victims of the terrorist activities by the extremists and other terrorist groups which have been created, financed, harboured and supported by the United States. Iran has always rejected terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
The United States unilateral sanctions against Iranian banks are also a clear showcase of its animosity towards ordinary Iranian depositors.
How can such moves be reconciled with the hypocritical claims by US officials who pretend to be mindful of ordinary people? At a time when co-operation between Iran and the atomic energy agency is proceeding well and the international community is supporting a negotiated solution for the issues, such a unilateral move by the US indicates that it seeks to undermine negotiations and co-operation.
The US move is a purely politically motivated and illegal measure which disrespects other important international players. The unilateral measures are also a clear sign of American opposition to the peaceful settlement of the issue.
The preliminary reaction of various countries across the globe and their rejection of the most recent US unilateral sanctions against Iran, testifies to the fact that these measures and policies will not be effective and their failure is sure in advance.
These illegal measures well explain that the United States, from a helpless position and as a result of its isolation, has resorted to unilateral sanctions, rather than appreciating the positive atmosphere created by Iran's co-operation with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
The peace-loving Iranian nation which seeks a world free from terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, considers the current US warmongering a threat against the whole international community.
* Morteza Rahmani-Movahed is Iran's ambassador to New Zealand