Major newspapers around the world focused on America's military buildup with the launching of Operation Infinite Justice.
In India, the Times of India after reporting the details of the story, focused on a a regional angle, quoting United States President George W. Bush as saying the terrorist strikes had given Washington the opportunity to "refashion thinking" between India and Pakistan."
"We will work and consult closely with Pakistan and India to make sure that that part of the world is as stable as it can possibly be stable," he said.
In an editorial, the paper contrasts two photographs it published, one showing schoolchildren in Mumbai (Bombay) showing support for the war against terrorism and the other image of students protesting on the streets of Karachi against the US. The images showed how conditioned responses of "adversarial otherness can be superimprinted on young impressionable minds."
Pakistani newspaper the Dawn reports on President Pervez Musharraf's key speech outlining the reasons for Pakistan's support for the US.