GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) Guyana's Amerindian community has signed a $10 million deal with the government to help secure land titles, but concerns remain about how the boundaries are being drawn in the South American country.
Amerindian activists on Tuesday accused state surveyors of arbitrarily drawing boundaries because of rough and impassable terrain, as well as reluctance to work in malaria-infested areas without proper equipment or vehicles.
"The result is that there has been boundary overlapping in some villages, and this has in some cases set one community against the other, causing problems," said Jean LaRose, director of the Amerindian People's Association.
Presidential spokesman Kwame McKoy denied those accusations, saying that surveyors are working hard on the project.
More than 75,000 Amerindians from nine recognized tribes who live in jungle and mountain communities are expected to benefit from the project. It is expected to be completed next year and is being financed with help from the United Nations and Norway.