The appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court is another wedge in an increasingly divided country.
Kavanaugh's conservative views were always going to make him a polarising nominee, especially relating to issues such as abortion, same- sex marriage and gun laws. But it is the events of the past two weeks that have done the real damage.
In the early stages of the nomination process, Kavanaugh's path to the Supreme Court appeared smooth. There were protests and Democrats did what they could to try to delay proceedings. But it looked assured Kavanaugh would ride the Republican majority in the Senate to his lifetime position on the nation's highest judicial body.
Christine Blasey Ford's allegations against Kavanaugh turned the process on its head and drew up battle lines across the nation.
What happened - or never happened - at a gathering of teenagers in the 1980s may never be known. But who you believed set you against the other side, whether it was on radio talk shows, social media sites or the streets of the capital, where 164 protesters were arrested yesterday.