"Condemn me. It does not matter. History will absolve me." Those were the words of Fidel Castro in October 1953, at his trial for the rebel attack which launched the Cuban Revolution, eventually overthrowing the government of Fulgencio Batista in 1959.
Cuba this week mourns the death of its revolutionary leader. Today Cubans will pay their respects at a memorial in the Plaza de La Revolucion and at other ceremonies around the country before Castro's ashes are interred on Monday. Contrasting the grief in Castro's homeland have been scenes of celebration in Florida as Cuban Americans who despised Castro's regime danced in the streets. So how will history judge Castro?
The concept of a charismatic revolutionary, exiling himself to Mexico to gather a guerilla force and overthrow an authoritarian regime no doubt has a mythical and romantic quality. That's embodied in those iconic images of a bearded, cigar smoking Castro and the often stylised Alberto Korda photograph of Castro's second-in-command - Che Guevara.
Once Batista was overthrown however, Castro's efforts to lift his people were less successful. He turned against America, which responded with sanctions. Castro aligned with the Soviet Union's Nikita Khrushchev. This led to the Bay of Pigs fiasco in 1961, a failed American-led attempt by Cuban exiles to wrest control from Castro, and took the world to the brink of nuclear war.
The Cuban people were thrown into poverty. Foreign investment disappeared and the nation's finances were depleted by Castro's wage and rent policies. Cuba lacked basic goods and its technology was frozen in time - evidenced by the re-tooled 1950s cars that still roam the streets.