Any time New Zealanders get despondent about their politics they can look across the Tasman. It is more than 10 years since Prime Minister John Howard's four-term Government was defeated and, since then, Australia's main parties have struggled to find stable leadership.
The Labor Party, in power from 2007-13, replaced the Prime Minister twice and the Liberal Party, having dropped Tony Abbot for Malcolm Turnbull in 2015, could be looking for another leader before the federal election due in May next year.
Under Turnbull, the coalition Government's position in the polls has gone from bad to worse. It fell from 39 per cent to 33 per cent in the latest monthly Ipsos poll for Fairfax Media. Yesterday Turnbull was forced into a back-down on a signature climate change measure opposed by Abbott and a number of Liberal MPs — not many but enough to defeat the measure in Parliament if the Opposition votes against it as it probably would. Labor is 10 points ahead in the polls and would relish an early election.
But the mood the polls reflect is not one that any Prime Minister might satisfy. Turnbull toppled Abbott because the country seemed to need a consensus leader rather than a polarising one. Turnbull has performed that role to a fault in the view of many.
Australians say they are not sure what he stands for. They play politics hard over there.
An outsider could find the energy policy Turnbull announced last week eminently reasonable.