A French citizen has been sentenced to seven years in prison on Monday after an attempt to smuggle 637 grams of cocaine into Australia.
Adrien Lionel van Langenhove swallowed the cocaine in little pellets before his flight from Los Angeles to Brisbane in an attempt to weasel his way out of a business debt. He had hoped that the pellets would eventually pass through his body and then collect them in the toilet.
One of the pellets burst in his digestive system while he was on the plane, although it is unclear how much of the drug ended up being absorbed into his body, revealed 7News.
When the Frenchmen arrive at Brisbane International Airport on the 3rd of December 2017, a drug dog detected traces of cocaine in his luggage but was eventually waived through when custom officers failed to locate any more of the white powder.
The next day, the 39-year-old suffered severe stomach pains. He went to a chemist to buy laxatives in hope it would move the drugs through his system.