It appears that the White House attempted to retroactively correct a tweet that President Donald Trump issued over the weekend in which he warned, erroneously, that Alabama would be in the path of Hurricane Dorian.
In a White House video released Wednesday, Trump displays a modified National Hurricane Centre "Cone of Uncertainty" forecast, dated 11am on Thursday, indicating Alabama would be in the path. The graphic appears to have been altered with a marker to indicate a risk that the storm would move into Alabama from Florida.
"We had actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hit, hitting Florida directly," Trump said as he displayed the graphic from Thursday, which now includes an added appendage extending the cone into Alabama. "That was the original chart," Trump said. "It could've, uh, was going towards the Gulf," Trump explained in the video.
When asked about the altered hurricane forecast chart during a White House event on opioids Wednesday afternoon, Trump said his briefings included a "95 percent chance probability" that Alabama would be hit. When asked whether the chart had been drawn on, Trump said: "I don't know, I don't know."