Many residents, known as "Villagers", won't hear a bad word against their home town. Photo /
Many residents, known as "Villagers", won't hear a bad word against their home town. Photo /
For the residents, it's one of the most successful experiments ever undertaken in creating a community from scratch.
Beneath warm blue skies, palm trees shade immaculate homes surrounded by verdant, lush grass.
Chirpy locals gather to drink beer and chew the fat on each other's porches. Or they jump in their golf carts – everyone has a golf cart – and trundle to the town square overlooking the lake.
One golf cart is emblazoned with the motto "another day in paradise" which sums up the feelings of the majority of the 150,000 who live here.
The Villages boasts 54 golf courses, 70 pools and 3000 social clubs - but just a single children's playground. Photo /
But critics say there's something not quite right about The Villages, a sprawling suburb an hour's drive north of Orlando in Florida in the United States.
There's a darker, maybe even "sinister" side to this town which now takes up more space than Manhattan.
It's a town where cheery music is pumped 24/7 over loudspeakers but you'll never hear an ambulance siren. Even the grass isn't what it seems.
Many residents, known as "Villagers", won't hear a bad word against their home town. And the management certainly doesn't encourage dwelling on the suburb's downsides. But those outside the compound are far less enamoured by it.
"The Villages is a place that is so honed towards perfection that it cannot uphold that perfection, it's just not possible," said Valerie Blankenbyl, who lived for a spell in the community.
She likened The Villages to Jim Carrey film The Truman Show about a flawless but ultimately fake town.
The filmmaker has now produced a documentary about the world of The Villages called The Bubble which has its Australian premiere at this month's Sydney Antenna documentary film festival.
Development turned builders into billionaires
A clue to The Villages' uniqueness, and why so many of its residents adore it, can be found in its facilities. It boasts 54 golf courses, 70 pools and 3000 social clubs — but just a single children's playground.
That's because kids are thin on the ground. The Villages is promoted as an "active retirement community". You can't live there unless you're over 55.
It's been hugely successful. The Schwartz family that developed the land are now billionaires. A statue to "founding father" Harold Schwartz stands in the middle of the town.
Days for its residents are crammed with golf, belly dancing and cheerleading lessons - and lots of day drinking. Photo /
Days for its residents are crammed with exhausting rounds of golf, cardio drumming, belly dancing and cheerleading lessons, even synchronised golf cart displays. And day drinking – lots and lots of day drinking.
"Happy whatever day this is," says one of the residents to his wife in the documentary as he sinks another cocktail on the veranda.
Blankenbyl said the film came about when she was thinking about her own parents' impending retirement.
"It's a really challenging phase in life with a lot of changes. And society isn't the friendliest to you either."
Some Villagers remarked to Blankenbyl that they forgot they were older until they left the suburb and re-entered the outside world.
Free from work and with the kids all grown up, residents revel in doing whatever the hell they want to. And if that involves getting dolled up, singing karaoke at noon and then flirting with a neighbour, then so be it.
"We should be able to feel sexy and beautiful at 84. Why not? Why is it such a shocker?" said Blankenbyl.
"There are signs everywhere not to let your kids or pets on the grass because it's treated with so many chemicals to make it that beautiful," said Blankenbyl.
Its chemicals that also keep the bugs – that usually love humid Florida – away too.
"From my perspective, not having insects isn't an advantage. It's really worrying," said Blankenbyl.
It's more than just unusually green grass however. There is a concerted effort on behalf of The Villages' management to keep the outside world, well, out.
Some Villagers remarked to the film-makers that they forgot they were older until the left the suburb and re-entered the outside world. Photo /
It has its own radio station and newspaper which provide a constant infusion of positivity with never a word against the suburb itself.
The town has set up its own version of a council which one local journalist likened to a "shadow government".
But Blankenbyl knew they had the law on their side. The Villages is on public land and they could film wherever they liked.
So, the management started talking to their interviewees, she claimed, to try and get them to stop talking to her. But the crew had built such a rapport with Villagers, the plan failed.
Local upset at The Villages
Blankenbyl said they didn't have to go far to see opposition to the development.
"It wasn't something that you could escape because as soon as you drove outside the gates you see all these signs that say 'Stop the Villages'."
To some who lived beyond the manicured golf courses there was almost something "sinister" about The Villages, she said.
It's a town where cheery music is pumped 24/7 over loudspeakers but you'll never hear an ambulance siren. Photo /
There was the perceived lack of accountability; the encroachment of the ever-expanding retirement suburb into surrounding established communities some of which have now vanished completely.
Then there was the insatiable desire for water in The Villages, to keep the green grass green and the pools filled, which it's claimed is lowering the water table and leading to shortages and sink holes.
But most of all, it's The Villages' general desire to split itself off from its neighbours. The owners even went as far as to install boom gates on roads leading into The Villages to give the appearance of a gated community.
It's not - anyone can enter - but it fooled many locals for years who thought they were barred.
"You kept hearing inside The Villages that there was nothing before where The Villages now are," said Blankenbyl.
"But there wasn't nothing. There was a community there and it was where people used to gather and now it's just all gone."
Filmmaker Valerie Blankenbyl has made the documentary The Bubble about the Florida retirement community. Photo /
Some of the Villagers were aware of the development's controversy, she said. It didn't sit comfortably with them.
But many either weren't aware or didn't trouble themselves with life outside the bubble.
Cheerful, positive, and loving where they lived, they preferred to focus on keeping healthy, socialising and looking their best.
'Most ageist place on earth'
Oddly, said Blankenbyl, this optimistic side to The Villages was one that a gerontologist – an academic that studies ageing – said was also one of the most troubling.
"She thought The Villages was the most ageist place there is in the world.
"Because even in a place that that's full of older people, you aren't allowed to be old or age. You still have to be fit and young and beautiful and healthy.
"And sickness, death and dying is not part of that," said Blankenbyl.
"It's sort of like an extreme form of ageism that has manifested in a retirement community."
Blankenbyl said she hoped The Bubble would encourage others to examine their own bubbles. About the worlds they've constructed and the people they choose to surround themselves with and the people they – knowingly or unknowingly – exclude.
It may not be as blatant as The Villages, but it could be just as much a bubble.
Millions of people in Queensland and New South Wales have been warned to brace for days without power after Tropical Cyclone Alfred makes landfall later this week.