California school told: 'I'll make Virgina Tech look mild'
Teachers locked classroom doors, lowered shades and kept nearly 22,000 school children inside all day in two northern California cities after a man threatened to go on a killing spree inspired by Monday's mass murder at Virginia Tech.
Local officials said Carney called his pastor at the United Methodist Church on Wednesday evening and said he was armed with an AK-47 rifle, improvised explosive devices and poison and would seek to provoke a confrontation with police to "commit suicide-by-cop."
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US networks limit use of gunman video
US television networks limited broadcasts of a video manifesto by the Virginia Tech killer after heavy coverage drew criticism from police and victims' families.
NBC News, which received the manifesto in the mail yesterday, said it had acted responsibly in showing the images and rants of gunman Cho Seung-Hui. But NBC and rival networks said they would show restraint in future usage.
The images dominated US news coverage, two days after Cho killed 32 people then himself in the worst shooting rampage in modern US history.
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Chinese political prisoner sues Yahoo! over torture
A jailed Chinese political prisoner and his wife have sued Yahoo! in a US court, accusing the internet firm of contributing to torture by helping authorities identify dissidents who were later beaten and imprisoned.
Wang Xiaoning was imprisoned in September 2003 for 10 years for the crime of "incitement to subvert state power" after he emailed electronic journals calling for democratic reform and an end to single-party rule in a Yahoo! Group in 2000 and 2001.
He was arrested by Chinese police in September 2002, and claims he was kicked and beaten during his detention.
The plaintiffs are seeking damages and an injunction to stop Yahoo! identifying political dissidents to Chinese police.
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