HAVANA (AP) Havana Archbishop Jaime Ortega, Cuba's only cardinal, has left the leadership council of the island's Catholic Bishops' Conference in a move seen as a prelude to the 77-year-old prelate's eventual retirement.
The bishops met last week to name the body's members, and for the first time in years Ortega is not on it. Santiago Archbisop Dionisio Garcia was renamed as its president, according to a statement published on the website of the Bishops' Conference.
Ortega submitted his resignation in 2011 as is customary for bishops when they turn 75. So far neither Pope Francis nor predecessor Benedict XVI has accepted his resignation.
Jose Felix Perez, adjunct secretary of the Bishops' Conference, called it a routine step because of the cardinal's age.
For bishops, resigning often doesn't mean complete retirement. It's common for clerics of Ortega's age and prominence to be transferred to posts in the Vatican.