Principal Howard Fisher warned that social distancing could not be implemented in schools. Photo / Facebook / St George's Church of England Primary School
Principal Howard Fisher warned that social distancing could not be implemented in schools. Photo / Facebook / St George's Church of England Primary School
The principal of a UK school has sent a brutally honest letter to parents warning them social distancing in primary schools is not possible - and issuing them a heartbreaking plea.
Howard Fisher, the principal of St George's Church of England Primary School east of London, spoke about fears of accepting some pupils back amid the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.
In his letter, he went as far as saying he'd rather children "repeat an academic year" than to go back too soon and for a parent to "lose a child".
Principal Howard Fisher warned that social distancing could not be implemented in schools. Photo / Facebook / St George's Church of England Primary School
Fisher told parents he wants to be truthful and expecting "worst case scenario" had served him well.
"I can be truthful here and categorically tell you there is no such thing as social distancing in a school; it does not exist and would never exist.
"The reason childhood illnesses spread in a school is surprise, surprise, we are all in contact with each other.
"I can put two children in opposite classrooms and they will still get chicken pox because that's how it is in a school.
"This virus we are lead to believe is a super spreader."
Fisher went on to say he wants the children back at school, of course, but he wasn't going to pretend you can achieve safe social distancing at schools.
Fisher warned parents there is no such thing as social distancing in schools. Photo /123rf
He said they can always make things safer and reduce the risk, but that risk will always be there.
Fisher stressed he doesn't want any student to die because of the reopening of schools, and said he would prefer children have to repeat a year than risk death.
"There will be some of you that say, 'let's just get on with it,' I respect that, but get on with what?
"There is not a reliable test, a vaccine, an idea about what to do next, there is just the possibility that things will be ok; that's all we have at the moment and 'ok' is not good enough when it comes to the precious gift that is your child.
"Believe me, I would rather any child repeats a year than go back too soon and have to lose a child; why is this not in the national debate; because it will cost money!