"I did not get vaccinated. I'm not anti-vax. I was just trying to do my research. I was scared.
"I do think it was a mistake. I shouldn't have waited.
"If you are even 70 per cent sure you want the vaccine, go get it. Don't wait. Go get it. "Because hopefully if you get it, then you won't end up in the hospital like me."
She explained she had been waiting to get vaccinated with other family members but fell ill with Covid-19 before their vaccine appointments.
Alexandra died nine days after posting the TikTok video which has since clocked almost one million views.
It is one of many the young woman shared of her experience with the deadly virus.
In another distressing clip, which has been viewed 5.3 million times, Alexandra can be seen on her hospital bed, this time recording the moans and screams of others with Covid.
She said had been waiting to try to convince her entire family to get vaccinated at the same time, and that she had her own hesitation about getting the shot.
In the clip Alexandra told followers she was 'scared' to get the vaccine. Photo / TikTok
"It's OK to have questions, but I'm just telling you guys I was for weeks really thinking about getting it, ready to get it, but frankly I waited because I was trying to convince my whole family to do it at the same time," she said in a separate video.
"But if you are in my boat and you're waiting to convince someone else to do it with you, don't. Just get vaccinated."
Alexandra said she and her family didn't want to get immunised until everyone was on board.
When they all agreed to get their shots, Alexandra, along with her mother and two sisters, made their appointments. But they fell ill before their scheduled appointments, WebMD reported. "It's no secret this is something that should be taken seriously," her sister, Cristina Blankenbiller told the publication. "But there's so much misinformation out there."
She died of complications from the virus, nine days after posting the video. Photo / TikTok
Cristina said her sister's final video really showed a lot of who she was.
"She was selfless. The type of person who used her final days to help others," Cristina told WebMD, adding that she "found beauty in everything and everyone".
According to Miami Herald, in the past seven days, on average, Florida has added 338 deaths and 14,276 cases each day.
About 54 per cent of the state had completed the two-dose series of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna, or have completed Johnson & Johnson's single-dose vaccine.
Meanwhile, in New Zealand 32 per cent are fully vaccinated as of Friday, September 10.