Young attendees toss surgical masks into a fire during a mask burning event at the Idaho Statehouse in Boise, Idaho. Photo / Getty Images
Young attendees toss surgical masks into a fire during a mask burning event at the Idaho Statehouse in Boise, Idaho. Photo / Getty Images
Footage of children burning masks outside a US statehouse at a protest against Covid-related restrictions has prompted a strong reaction on social media and been compared to "new book burning".
Videos posted on social media showed adults encouraging children to toss masks into a fire in front of the Idaho Capitol. The 100 or so participants were protesting against measures taken to limit infections and deaths caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Some of the masks were branded with criticism of US President Joe Biden while one person was seen burning a picture of the President himself, the Daily Mail reported
America remains divided over health measures to help prevent the virus. In Idaho, more than 170,000 residents have been infected with the virus, and nearly 1900 have died.
Last week, Biden criticised Mississippi and Texas decisions to completely reopen their states as "Neanderthal thinking". He warned that big, maskless gatherings would lead to another surge in coronavirus cases and deaths.
The US has had more than 29 million cases of the virus and in excess of 524,000 deaths.
Texas is the largest state to lift their mask mandate, despite the fact that over 42,000 in Texas have died of Covid-19.
Over the weekend party-goers across Mississippi ignored concerns of a Covid-19 surge as maskless patrons packed busy bars and clubs for the first time in months.
In Idaho, a group of children joined their parents as they burned pictures of Biden and Nancy Pelosi in the flames, before disposing of hundreds of surgical masks into the fire.
The protests against mask mandates were held across the state.
A protester tosses a surgical mask into the fire during a mask burning event at the Idaho Statehouse. Photo / Getty Images
Young attendees toss surgical masks into a fire during a mask burning event at the Idaho Statehouse. Photo / Getty Images
A protester displays a surgical mask reading Biden Sucks during a mask burning event. Photo / Getty Images
One video showed one adult shouting "not all at once" at the children before more started cheering and dozens of masks were thrown into the fire.
The children were heard saying "Feed them to the fire" and "We don't want them in our lives".
"I will not self-suffocate," signs at the protest read.
"No masks, no mandates. Our face, our mind," said another, while one quoted Benjamin Franklin stating: "Those who give up liberty to purchase safety deserve neither liberty or safety."
"We're standing here today to rein back government. To re-establish our Republican form of government, a government that has balance between the branches," said Daar Moon, a protest organiser, in a Twitter video. "It's a widespread grassroots movement, an uprising in that regard, it's come off very well today here in Boise."
Social media users were quick to criticise the burning of masks.
Epidemiologist and "health economist" Erik Feigl-Ding posted on Twitter: "Mask burning is our new book burning."
At least three politicians from the state legislature and Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin were there to cheer the crowds on. Some of the adults in the crowd were armed.
Idaho Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin speaks during a mask burning event at the Idaho Statehouse. Photo / Getty Images
"During the event, an open flame was ignited in a barrel," a police spokesperson told Business Insider.
Yesterday, 24.9% of those who tested for COVID in Idaho, tested positive. The highest rate in the country.
"Those involved with the event were informed both before and during the event that open flames are not allowed on State Capitol grounds. The incident is under review."
Republican Governor Brad Little has never issued an Idaho statewide mask mandate, but seven counties and 11 cities have such mandates in place.