New surveillance footage from inside the store shows the boy was holding a large plastic bag that appears to brush Teresa as he walked by. / PIX 11 News
New security footage shows a nine-year-old black boy never put a hand on the white woman who called 911 to claim he grabbed her butt.
"I was just sexually assaulted by a child," Teresa Klein, dubbed Cornertstore Caroline by social media, said Wednesday in a tirade that was captured on video and left the boy in tears.
But new security footage obtained by DailyMailTV affiliate PIX 11 from inside the Brooklyn bodega shows the boy holding a large plastic bag that appears to brush the woman's backside as he walks past with his mother and sister.
Teresa, who is seen bent over the check-out counter, immediately turns around where she then began an explosive argument with the boy's mother that ended with a call to police and cell phone video gone viral.
The new surveillance video shows Teresa standing at the counter of the Sahra Deli Market while the boy walks past and out the door with his mother and sister.
That's when Teresa goes outside and a witness begins recording her shouting in her phone as the mother tries to comfort her two children.
"That's right, the son grabbed my ass and she decided to yell at me," Teresa says of the mother.
The cops did respond to the scene 17 minutes later but a report was never filed as everyone had left.
Andrew Ramos, a journalist for PIX11, attempted to speak to Teresa through her apartment door that she refused to open.
He and another reporter explained that the surveillance footage showed the boy never touched her.
She responds: "Get away from my door," before a loud bang is heard from the inside as if she threw something at the door to fend off the reporters.
The boy, who's dressed in a school uniform, is seen hiding behind his mother as his younger sister cries hysterically in the original video posted online.
A passerby who stopped to check out the commotion (left) addressed the woman who'd called police, resulting in a heated exchange that escalated until a man intervened.
The dramatic scene quickly drew the attention of passersbys who were shocked to hear that the woman would call the police on a child.
"You're a paedophile. Go home," one person says angrily.
The woman continues her tirade, telling the dispatcher: "White lady calls the cops on black lady, I get it.
"There are security cameras outside of this bodega. I'm more than happy to submit the security tapes for evidence."
Ironically, the bodega security footage is working against her case.
An outraged witness then approaches the woman and says: "What is your problem? Did you seriously just call the police on a child? Go home."
Other bystanders approach the woman as the argument continues throughout the four-minute video, which cuts off without a resolution.
It was shared on Facebook by Jason Littlejohn.
"As I walked up I noticed the argument, apparently the kid brushed up against her and she said he touched her and decided to call police on a nine-year-old child. As you can see the kid is crying and the mum is upset," he wrote in the caption.