Dressed in a black and white striped jumper and with her blonde hair tied back, Claus appeared at Guildford Crown Court to be sentenced last week.
Prosecutor John Upton said: "The police believe that Ms Claus has a habit of befriending vulnerable men and taking advantage of them.
"Nigel Coates was one of these. The council later threatened to evict him from his one-bedroomed flat because of her anti-social behaviour.
"They had arguments which escalated over various phone calls. She then approached him in the kitchen with either a fist or the palm of her hand. He couldn't tell as he is registered blind.
"She started shouting at him and threatened to set her brothers and mother on him."
The court also heard how she also assaulted two police officers as they tried to arrest her.
Upton said: "PC Hopper took hold of her left arm and PC Haslan her right. She pushed her arms away and resisted.
"She kicked PC Hopper in the leg, and yelled 'you p*** c**t' at least twice," said the prosecutor.
Judge Moss also heard how a woman walking with her children spotted Claus engaging in sexual behaviour in the middle of the street.
Upton said: "On July 29 she was reported in Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey, to be [engaging in a sex act with] a man.
"A woman was there with her children and she remonstrated with Ms Claus who then stood up and threatened to punch her.
"When Ms Claus was searched at the scene by the police she had done her jeans up but her knickers were found in her handbag."
Claus' defence barrister, Timothy Leete, said she had become addicted to inhaling butane gas and was struggling to come to terms with her mother's suicide.
Sentencing her, Judge Moss told Claus: "Your life is a mess."
He added: "You were in a relationship with a blind man, it's a fear that you were abusing your position.
"Any assault on a vulnerable person is very serious indeed, as is any attack on the police officers who we have a moral obligation to protect.
"The outraging public decency charge is as a result of you receiving a sex act in public, no doubt for money.
"'You were seen by a lady who had her children with her and when she was outraged, you abused her.
"In addition, you were supposed to be here for sentencing this morning and you were late by several hours. You are a mess. Your life is a mess.
"I spoke to your son earlier and it is a testament to something in your son's life that he's never been to court and finds this whole situation awful.
"The sentence I impose on you is as follows: assault on the blind individual, three months in jail; assault by kicking the PC, two months; the racially aggravated abusive behaviour on the other officer, two months; for outraging public decency, one month and further month for abusing the lady in the street.
"I am also activating a period of four months in relation to breaching your suspended jail sentence, as well as one day for breaching bail."
The punishment means that Claus has been banned from entering parts of Woking because of her aggressive and anti-social behaviour in and around the town centre.