An image from Christmas Island rioting released by Australia's Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.
An image from Christmas Island rioting released by Australia's Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.
Authorities are keeping hush over which prison Kiwi detainees - who might be facing prosecution over their alleged involvement in the Christmas Island riots - have been sent to.
Previous estimates that the riot damage bill would total $1 million have now been upgraded to a whopping $10 million.
Footage emerged following the incident shows trashed rooms, smashed windows, corrugated iron walls and roof peeled back as well as scorch marks from fires.
Detainees broke into a medical clinic, removing drugs, as well as equipment from a gardening storage area, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton told AAP.
He said the estimate had now upgraded the damage repair bill to $10 million worth.
Seven men - including five New Zealanders, a Tongan and an Afghan - involved in the unrest had been transferred to a Perth prison overnight, AAP reported.
"These people will have to pay for the damage they have caused through the criminal courts," he said.
A spokeswoman at the office of Mr Dutton told NZME News Service the seven men had been transferred to Perth, but did not respond to requests about which facility the men were at.
"As this is matter is ongoing no further information will be provided at this stage," she said.
The pictures released by Australia's Immigration Department shows broken glass and trashed offices. Photos / Supplied
Previous reports stated all seven men taken from the island overnight in handcuffs told reporters they were New Zealanders.
It was reported they were being moved to a maximum-security prison in Perth, Western Australia.
Australian authorities operate a number of prisons near Perth.
The main maximum-security facility for male prisoners is Casurina Prison, about 35km south of Perth, which has a capacity of 1032.
It has a special unit for high-security supervision of offenders, the WA Corrective Services website states.
The men could also be taken to Hakea Prison - a 1205-prisoner facility which manages males who have just been remanded or sentenced - which also has a maximum-security section.
There are another five smaller prisons near Perth which house male prisoners and have maximum-security facilities.
It was also revealed this week former Kiwi war hero Lance Corporal Ngati Kanohi Te Eke Haapu, known as Ko, is being held in solitary confinement at a high-security prison in Perth for his involvement with a motorcycle club.
Riots kicked off at the Christmas Island detention centre on Monday morning (NZT), after refugees asked officials what happened to Fazel Chegeni whose body was found on Sunday following his escape from the detention centre.
Police eventually stormed the centre after the riots, with reports detainees barricaded themselves into compounds had armed themselves with chainsaws, petrol bombs and machetes.