Just how easy is it to purchase a weapon in Virginia? Gun laws are relatively lax in the southern states.
Cho Seung-Hui had no trouble obtaining a pistol and cartridges five weeks before his rampage.
We take a look at the Virginian state laws on guns:
1) Any state resident over 18 may buy a firearm if they pass a criminal check against state and federal databases.
2) No more than one handgun may be purchased by a person within a 30-day period. Those with licences can buy more than one gun during this time.
3) The law is broad enough to allow people to buy assault guns and magazines without limit. There is no state restriction on the sale or possession of semiautomatic weapons such as the AK47 and Uzi.
4) In Virginia, and many other states, no permit is required to simply wield a gun in the open. In addition, police chiefs and state sheriffs can give concealed carry permits to anyone with a handgun, allowing them to carry their loaded, concealed gun in public.
5) State law restricts selling or giving handguns to juveniles under 18 but there are no limits on providing rifles, shotguns or even assault weapons - without parental permission - to anyone 12 and over.
6) Buyers are not required to obtain a license, register their weapon or undergo any safety training. Handguns are not required to meet any basic safety standards.
(Source: Virginia State Laws)