These aren't your average students. Photos / Instagram
These aren't your average students. Photos / Instagram
Travelling in flash cars and private jets and treating money as no object, a new Instagram account is revealing the privileged lives of some of London's wealthiest youngsters.
The account encourages wealthy youngsters to take pictures of their lavish lifestyle and and it has the tag line: 'Lives of the untouchable luxury kids.'
Track pants quite possibly from Primark. Photo / Instagram
It features snaps of young people flaunting their wealth in stunts such as posing by luxury cars and even stuffing cash in tissue boxes suggesting they blow their noses on notes.
Cleaning shoes with £50 notes. The caption reads "When a peasant touches your shoes." Photo / Instagram
However other privileged youngsters show how they have private helicopters and jets at hand, with one showing how white colour of the plane matches the colour of their top of the range Range Rover.
Not your average student. Photo / Instagram
Another snap shows what appears to be a young person relaxing in an opulently decorated living room, captioned: 'Do Not Disturb.'
And despite the page only being live a matter of weeks, it has already amassed almost 42,000 followers and has over 4,000 likes on Facebook.
To be fair, Primark is awful. Photo / Instagram
The account follows other popular accounts such as Rich Kids of Instagram, which show the jet setting lifestyles of privileged young people from around the world.