A vehicle driving the wrong way through New York City's bustling Times Square ploughed into a crowd, killing an 18-year-old woman and injuring 22 others during Thursday's lunchtime rush (Friday morning NZ time), authorities said.
The driver, a 26-year-old man from the Bronx, mounted a sidewalk at Seventh Avenue and 42nd Street in Manhattan and drove at a "high rate" for several blocks, striking pedestrians along the way, police said.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, D, at an afternoon news conference said it was a "tough day for New York City but, as usual, the people of New York City will stand firm."
Authorities said the driver is a U.S. citizen and former member of the Navy who has a criminal history that includes arrests for driving while intoxicated. After the crash Thursday, he was taken into police custody and was being tested for drugs and alcohol, police said. At this point, authorities said, there is no indication that the incident was related to terrorism.