- Sunrise:
- Sunset:
Partly cloudy, with the chance of a morning shower. Southerlies, easing this evening.
Cloud clearing and becoming fine in the afternoon. Light winds.
For more detailed weather information visit MetService.
Marine Recreational Forecasts - Kapiti

Area Description:
Inshore waters from Waitarere to Pukerua Bay and out to Kapiti Island.
A ridge covers southern and central New Zealand today, while a low lies to the northeast of the North Island, producing a southeasterly flow over eastern areas. Tomorrow the low moves away to the east and the ridge moves northwards over New Zealand. A front approaches the lower South Island. A front becomes slow moving over the lower South Island on Saturday while a ridge of high pressure lies over the North Island. On Sunday the front moves over central New Zealand followed by a southwesterly flow. On Monday the front weakens as a new ridge of high pressure pushes over from the west.
Gale warnings for COOK and STEPHENS
Thursday: Southerly 15 knots easing to 10 knots this evening. Sea slight. Partly cloudy. Westerly swell half a metre or less.
Outlook until midnight Sunday: Friday: Southerly 10 knots, easing to variable 5 knots in the morning. Fine. Saturday: Variable 5 knots, becoming northwest 15 knots early. Partly cloudy. Northwest swell 1 metre developing. Sunday: Northwest 15 knots. A few showers developing. Westerly swell 1 metre dying out.