Active shooter situation at YouTube headquarters
There is an active shooter situation at YouTube in San Bruno. Source: KTVU
There is an active shooter situation at YouTube in San Bruno. Source: KTVU
Trump mocks Biden over allegations of inappropriate touching. / Washington Post
Shocking video shows woman appearing to smoke ice with child in the car. / Yahoo News
Soldiers in Kabul use Jeremy Corbyn image as target practice. / Snapchat
Engineer arrested on charges of attempting to poison colleague. / KPIX 5
Michael Piacentini was driving over the West Gate Bridge in Melbourne when he saw a four-wheel drive slow down and pull into the emergency lane. Source: SBS
In a moment of frightening confusion at a vigil for slain rapper Nipsey Hussle, hundreds of mourners flee the area. Police don't believe it was a shooting, but there are reports of several injuries. / ABC
CCTV footage from Club 9 shows Alex Johnson carrying Ms Smit at 5.22am on the day she died. Source: Club 9 CCTV
French matador Andy Younes was performing in front of his hometown crowds when the bull charged at him and sent him flying. Source: Toril TV
Two hooded gunmen storm Melbourne tattoo parlour and gun down Comanchero bikie. Source: CCTV
Semi-naked protestors storm UK House of Commons.
Teenager left severely disabled after a dare opens up his world to viewers. Source: The Project Australia
Victoria Police release CCTV of Melton drive-by as hunt for shooter continues.
WARNING: Graphic footage. Viewer discretion advised. Bodycam footage shows police shooting death of Alton Sterling, as one of the officers involved has been fired. / Baton Rouge Police
Nothing would be worse than declaring victory before the victory is won.' Trump extends the USA's COVID-19 guidelines. Video / The White House
Poacher caught on camera shooting bears / The Humane Society of the United States
Los Angeles police on Wednesday were investigating an alleged attack on actor Corey Feldman, who tweeted that he was hospitalised after being stabbed. Source: ABC
A South African woman has been sentenced to three years imprisonment for use of racist language in a February 2016 rant, in which she threatened to run down and shoot black South Africans. / Eyewitness News
Neighbours of a quiet Reston, Virginia, community are in shock after a couple in their neighbourhood was murdered inside their home. Source: News4
The body cameras of Nashville metropolitan police give a chilling view of their search for the shooter. Video / Metro Police Nashville Davidson County
A teenager who pleaded guilty to pushing her younger friend off a 60-foot bridge in Washington was sentenced to two days in jail. / ABC
Former members of South Carolina sex cult share their stories. Source: CBS 5
Shocking moment a trooper was hit while responding to slide-off call. He is alive with broken ribs and a broken scapula. Source: Utah Department of Public Safety
A grieving mother has spoken of the harrowing moment she missed her daughter’s desperate phone calls for help, before the 13-year-old took her own life after months of bullying. Source: 9 News
A commuter has been swallowed by an escalator after it collapsed during rush hour. Source: Liveleak / @berkayeroglu
Defense attorney Kisha Hebbon provides insight who is liable for 10 year olds death. Source: Fox News
Alleged video confession in Sarah Stern murder. / NJ