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Sir David Attenborough speaks

Sir David Attenborough speaks

Sir David concludes with his thoughts on the Wellcome Trust, an organisation that has as one of its five research challenges ‘Connecting environment, nutrition and health’. Courtesy:

Pickpockets keep Kiwis out of the Louvre

Pickpockets keep Kiwis out of the Louvre

The Louvre was closed on Thursday after its workers walked off their jobs to protest against what is said to be a rising problem of pickpockets haunting the famed Paris museum's vast galleries.

Raw: Kiwi Army leaves Afghan war
New Zealand

Raw: Kiwi Army leaves Afghan war

The New Zealand flag has been lowered for the final time at Kiwi Base in Bamiyan, the symbolic end to New Zealand's 10-year involvement in the war in Afghanistan, also a memorial plaque to the New Zealand soldiers and Afghan forces who have died in Bamiyan Province has been unveiled.

Best views of earth from space

Best views of earth from space

This video takes a look back at the best views of our planet from space in 2012, including true-color satellite images, Earth science data visualizations, time lapses from the International Space Station and computer models. For more of NASA's best images from 2012. Courtesy: NASA

Raw: Afghan President grateful for NZ help

Raw: Afghan President grateful for NZ help

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has expressed his gratitude to the 10 New Zealand soldiers who have died in Afghanistan. New Zealand's Governor-General Lieutenant General Sir Jerry Mateparae and Defence Minister Jonathan Coleman were among a group of dignitaries who met Mr Karzai in Kabul overnight. Sir Jerry said Mr Karzai spoke at length of New Zealand's contribution and was eager to reinforce that the Afghan people knew what New Zealand's troops had done over the past decade.

Video: Girl's last second save

Video: Girl's last second save

A girl from Brazil dropped her cellphone onto train tracks and almost lost her life as-well as her phone trying to retrieve it. Courtesy: YouTube/Ricardo Moraes

How astronauts brush their teeth in space

How astronauts brush their teeth in space

Canadian astronaut and Commander of Expedition 35 demonstrates how astronauts brush their teeth in space. You might be surprised by what he reveals! Courtesy: YouTube/canadianspaceagency

Mike Moore: Preserving the Ross Sea

Mike Moore: Preserving the Ross Sea

New Zealand Ambassador to the United State Mike Moore joined Deputy Director of the Pew Charitable Trusts Karen Sack, Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr, and Secretary Kerry, at a diplomatic gathering on Monday, March 18, 2013. The event was hosted by the Pew Charitable Trusts at the National Geographic building and explored the importance of protecting the Ross Sea while urging the international community to come together to conserve the Ross Sea. courtesy Our Planet/Vimeo

Thief smashes through door

Thief smashes through door

A man who stole a women's purse in a Perth mall smashes through a clear glass door knocking himself unconsciousness trying to make his escape: Western Australia Police

Roadkill deer gives cops a fright

Roadkill deer gives cops a fright

Extraordinary moment 'dead' roadkill deer gives cops a fright - by jumping out of car trunk. A motorist and two police officers were given the fright of their lives on a traffic stop this morning when they opened a car trunk and a supposedly dead deer hopped out. Courtesy: YouTube/viralmediaglobal

Why did the elephant seal cross the road?

Why did the elephant seal cross the road?

Why did the elephant seal cross the road? Well, no one was going to stop him! An elephant seal held up traffic for more than an hour after going walkabout in brazil. Courtesy: YouTube/NewsSamrat

Spectacular bridge demolition

Spectacular bridge demolition

The US 281 bridge in Marble Falls, Texas, was blown up in only four seconds, with most of the 950ft (290m) bridge collapsing over Lake Marble Falls. Courtesy: YouTube/Ando22RE

Antarctica: Final summer season ice flight
New Zealand

Antarctica: Final summer season ice flight

The New Zealand Defence Force’s summer-season support to our country’s commitment to the pristine Antarctic region has drawn to a close with the final Royal New Zealand Air Force Boeing 757 ice flight. Around 200 Defence Force personnel directly supported the mission at various stages of the October to March season, with the mission peaking in February during the annual supply ship offload where Defence personnel worked round the clock in freezing conditions. courtesy NZ Defence force.

Sumatran baby cub at three days old

Sumatran baby cub at three days old

A Sumatran Tiger cub was born at the Sacramento Zoo on March 3rd, 2013. Here you can see mom checking out her nest box, the baby at 1 hour old and at 13 hours old. Courtesy: YouTube/TheSacramentoZoo

Climber falls 100ft from icy mountain summit

Climber falls 100ft from icy mountain summit

GoPro cam catches an ice climber losing his footing and sliding down the mountain side. These are the terrifying moments a climber loses his grip and plummets 100ft down the side of a Welsh mountain.

Japan earthquake felt by satellite

Japan earthquake felt by satellite

The 2011 Japanese earthquake was so powerful its effects were felt by an orbiting satellite nearly 270km above the Earth, scientists say. Courtesy:

Bolshoi dancer admits acid attack

Bolshoi dancer admits acid attack

A leading Bolshoi dancer admitted in court on Thursday that he ordered an assault on the famed Russian ballet troupe's artistic director but denied ever planning the use of acid.

 Russell Crowe catches UFO on camera?

Russell Crowe catches UFO on camera?

Actor Russell Crowe say he's caught a UFO on camera. The Gladiator actor said he captured what appears to be several flying objects whizzing over Sydney's Botanical Gardens. Courtesy: YouTube/ParallelUniverse1234

NASA: 'Harlem Shake'

NASA: 'Harlem Shake'

So, you think you're having a nominal countdown and then all of a sudden... Courtesy: YouTube/NASAWallops

Graphic content: Fiji torture video

Graphic content: Fiji torture video

Amnesty International is investigating a graphic video posted on the internet, which appears to show Fijian men being beaten and tortured by officials. This video has been edited and shortened by

WA miners sacked for Harlem Shake

WA miners sacked for Harlem Shake

Up to 15 workers at the Agnew gold mine in the Goldfields have been sacked and banned for life from every Barminco project in the world after performing the Harlem Shake dance craze on site. Courtesy: YouTube/ABID MONEY

Spike in baby dolphin deaths

Spike in baby dolphin deaths

The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies was on the front lines of saving dolphins and turtles after the Gulf oil spill. Now officials are concerned about the 'strange spike' in baby dolphin deaths in the past month.