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 Raw: Egypt protesters clash in street battles

Raw: Egypt protesters clash in street battles

Supporters and opponents of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi clashed on the streets of Alexandria hours after police attempted to clear Cairo protest camps. Street battles also erupted in Giza and other provinces.

Amazing new footage of flash floods in US

Amazing new footage of flash floods in US

Amazing footage has surfaced of flash floods in Manitou Springs, Colarado. All taken from one man's window, it shows the progress of the flash flood and then uses timelapse footage to show what the flooding was like over time. Local news sources have described the flooding in Manitou Springs as the worst crisis the area has seen in decades.

Raw: Police beating up protester in Rio

Raw: Police beating up protester in Rio

Police and demonstrators clashed outside the Guanabara palace in Rio de Janeiro on Monday with police shooting rubber bullets and using tear gas, local media reported. Reports say the clashes erupted after teachers on strike over pay and working conditions threatened to stay within the governor's palace premises following a meeting with vice-governor Luiz Fernando Pezão. This video shows police forces beating up a protester before arresting him .

Raw: Lightning strikes train

Raw: Lightning strikes train

This incredible video shows the moment when lightning struck a train in Kawasaki, Japan. The incident happened on August 12. Shortly after the train was struck, passengers tweeted images of inside the carriage. Credit: Artcgate01/NewsPoint

Discrimination faced by LGBT people in Russia

Discrimination faced by LGBT people in Russia

Political campaigner, known for his LGBT activism, Peter Tatchell, spoke at a protest on Sunday in Whitehall against the discrimination faced by LGBT people in Russia. The LGBT rights protesters are demonstrating against the attacks on LGBT people by the government through legislation and by Russians citizens who have chosen to attack transsexuals and homosexuals in their country.

'Rabaa Tours' offered to intrepid tourists

'Rabaa Tours' offered to intrepid tourists

The sit-in protests at Rabaa al-Adaweya mosque in Cairo have been widely reported, and now you don't have to simply observe from the television or news sites. 'Rabaa Tours' offers a hands-on experience of the protest, including interaction with demonstrators who have been there for over a month since the ousting of the former President Morsi. The tag line "Heard enough? Time to see" encourages tourists to come and see the "truth" about those at Rabaa.

Washing machine in escape attempt from car

Washing machine in escape attempt from car

A washing machine made a brave run for it from a car, successfully escaping through the back door! The two women driving appear shocked when as the machine crashed through the rear window before miraculously managing to open the door and smash onto the road. Luckily for us the Russian dash cam craze meant that the whole thing was caught on camera!

China: Bus driver survives dramatic crash

China: Bus driver survives dramatic crash

A dramatic CCTV footage showing moments before and after a semi-truck slammed into the back of a tourist bus were caught on camera. The passengers and driver were thrown out and around the vehicle as it flipped over. The driver was reversing on a highway in Wenzhou when the accident happened. While the bus driver survived, the truck driver did not. 23 passengers were also injured.

Raw: Smarter than the average bear

Raw: Smarter than the average bear

A bear was filmed wheeling a dumpster from behind Edleweiss Restaurant in Colorado Springs into their parking lot where it tipped it over before fleeing the scene. The CCTV captured the moment on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, the hungry bear came back and did the same thing.

Remember the stray dogs

Remember the stray dogs

This viral video was created by a film maker in Santiago, Chile in order to remember those who are forgotten: stray dogs. He ties balloons to them to make people notice them and soon enough they get some attention!

Britain's first Fracking protest

Britain's first Fracking protest

In what was reportedly the first major anti-fracking protest in Britain protesters chanted and glued their hands together in order to show opposition to plans for controversial fracking in Balcombe. Credit: 108Morris108/NewsPoint.

Israeli forces manhandling journalists during demo

Israeli forces manhandling journalists during demo

Dozens of people gathered on Thursday at Hizma Checkpoint near Jerusalem to protest against the Israeli government’s plan to relocate thousands of Bedouin residents in the Naqab (Negev) desert area south of Israel. A video shared by a Palestinian journalist, who was covering the protest, shows security forces violently pushing journalists.

Russia: Building collapses during wedding

Russia: Building collapses during wedding

In the old city of Kostroma, a building collapsed in the background during the wedding ceremony of a Polish couple. The video, captured by the wedding videographer, shows a scenic background with a beautiful old building. Suddenly, like something out of a movie, the building collapses.

Drunk passengers caught on camera

Drunk passengers caught on camera

British train operator Network Rail has released a video showing a compilation of drunk commuters using trains, in the hope that a new campaign will make boozy passengers to become more aware. Figures revealed more than 1,600 people have been hurt in the last year through slips or trips at Britain’s biggest railway stations.

Raw: Video of waterspout in Tampa bay

Raw: Video of waterspout in Tampa bay

Footage shows a waterspout that formed in Tampa Bay, Florida on Tuesday evening at round 7pm. A waterspout is the result of a tornado forming at sea that pulls the water upwards. At the beginning of the video the women shooting it says 'We're gonna [sic] die' but fortunately she was wrong and the slow moving waterspout dissipated before it hit the bridge. Footage credit Aukgroove & YouTube Channel: Cori Willett

Video shows Israeli soldier beating Palestinian workers

Video shows Israeli soldier beating Palestinian workers

srael’s Channel 10 broadcast on Tuesday a video showing an Israeli soldier assaulting a group of Palestinian workers for no apparent reason. The video of the incident, which took place on April 2009 in the Israeli Jewish-only settlement of Petzael in the West Bank, has just been made public. The Israeli soldier, who was identified as Michael Gershkowitz of the Israeli army’s Kfir brigade, was sentenced to two months in jail and four months of community service.

Man carries piano and plays piano

Man carries piano and plays piano

Amazing footage from Israel seems to show a man carrying a piano on his back, who then decides to play another piano, whilst the piano is still on his back. Credit: emil33247/NewsPoint

Amazing Moscow timelapse

Amazing Moscow timelapse

Amazing video from Moscow, taken by Sasha Aleksandrov, showing a timelapse he captured. The video, created using a tripod and a hand-held camera, shows many different parts of Moscow including landmarks like St. Basil's Cathedral, Spasskaya Clocktower Center and the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Credit: Sasha Aleksandrov/NewsPoint

Freed hostage Amanda Berry on stage with rapper Nelly

Freed hostage Amanda Berry on stage with rapper Nelly

Amanda Berry, one of three women who was held captive in a Cleveland home for a decade, appeared on stage during the Roverfest radio station concert in Cleveland on Saturday. The rapper Nelly, who was headlining Roverfest, invited Amanda Berry on stage during his performance. Credit: Eric Hanson/NewsPoint

Switzerland train collision aftermath

Switzerland train collision aftermath

At least 44 people were injured, four of them seriously, in a head-on collision of two trains in western Switzerland, Swiss television reported, citing police. Courtesy: YouTube/Kostas Kofinas

Car swamped by landslide

Car swamped by landslide

Video of a car almost being washed away by floods and a landslide in northwest China has been released. The footage shows the driver trying to get away from the deluge, but changing his mind when he realises what is happening. All the car's occupants escaped unhurt. courtesy YouTube/CoDGlee

Awkward: Sailboat crashes into bridge

Awkward: Sailboat crashes into bridge

This video, captured by Fredrik Sjøblom Robertsen, shows a sailboat in Norway misjudge its bearings, and go crashing straight into a bridge that was being lowered, breaking the vessel’s mast.

Underwater bullets at 27,000fps

Underwater bullets at 27,000fps

Gav and Dan slowed down time by over one thousand times to show how bullets look when fired from an underwater gun. Credit: Theslowmoguys /NewsPoint

Woman gets electric shock crossing the road

Woman gets electric shock crossing the road

Those Russian Dashcams are at it again! A woman crossing the street in Biysk, Russia was captured having a harrowing moment recently, when electric sparks surrounded her on the road. The woman was nearly electrocuted after a truck with a crane cut the wire of the city’s electric bus line. Credit: roman14211/NewsPoint.

NZ history: Kiwis in Korea

NZ history: Kiwis in Korea

Back in 1951 the NZ National Film unit traveled to Korea to document the Kiwi soldiers serving in the UN forces during the Korean War. courtesy Archives NZ.

Raw: Coastguard rescues 30 from tall ship

Raw: Coastguard rescues 30 from tall ship

Thirty people have been rescued from a tall ship which ran aground off the south coast of Ireland near Kinsale on Wednesday. Video showing the tall ship Astrid underwater emerged. Vincent O’Donovan, a spokesperson for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), told that "18 people were taken from the boat on the Courtmacsherry lifeboat, while another 12 were taken off and onto a local vessel, the Spirit of Oysterhaven." Credit: Karl Grabe/NewsPoint

Crocodile snaps jaws on head

Crocodile snaps jaws on head

A trainer at a crocodile farm in Samut Prakan in Thailand escaped serious injury when one of the reptiles snapped its jaws shut on his head. The trainer was identified as 27-year-old Pravit Suebmee. A video of the incident was caught on camera by a tourist. According to the Bangkok Post the trainer had "wounds on his face and neck but was not seriously injured." Credit: wivhMovieHD/NewsPoint