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Mad Max-style attack on NY driver

Mad Max-style attack on NY driver

A motorcyclist was charged with reckless driving after prosecutors said he touched off a tense encounter with the driver of a sport utility vehicle and a throng of other bikers that ended with blood and broken bones on a Manhattan street. Courtesy: NewsBomb

Breast cancer ad banned from NZ television
New Zealand

Breast cancer ad banned from NZ television

The Breast Cancer Foundation were unable to adapt this Scottish advert, credited with a massive increase in breast cancer awareness in Scotland, due to a "no-nipple rule" on NZ television. Courtesy /

Kiwis restore sight in the Pacific
New Zealand

Kiwis restore sight in the Pacific

For the past decades, the Fred Hollows Foundation NZ has helped restore the sight of thousands of people in the Pacific. During the Foundation's recent Outreach programme in Gizo, Solomon Islands, foundation-trained doctors operated over one hundred needlessly blind patients in five days. was able to bear witness to the amazing transformation of 70-year-old Luke who has been blind for the past 20 years.

Explosion in a gunpowder factory

Explosion in a gunpowder factory

An explosion which occurred in a gunpowder factory has been caught on tape in Tenjo, Cundinamarca, Colombia. The footage to the right was captured moments after the blast at the Hofman factory site, yesterday afternoon. Credit: Fredy Castillo

Key scathing of UN failings
New Zealand|politics

Key scathing of UN failings

Prime Minister John Key has mounted a scathing attack on the failings of the United Nations and the permanent members of the Security Council, saying it gets bogged down in arcane detail and had become hostage to the interests of the most powerful.

Soccer fans in escalator hell

Soccer fans in escalator hell

After a soccergame the fans wanted to take a slow nice peaceful ride with the escalator but instead they got a free ticket to hell. Courtesy: YouTube/Louie Espacer

Subway riders rescue man on tracks

Subway riders rescue man on tracks

Three people waiting for a subway train in Boston rescued a man who tumbled off a station platform and onto the tracks. Video shows the man walking straight onto the track, and then three people jumping down and lifting him to safety.

Typhoon Usagi timelapse

Typhoon Usagi timelapse

Typhoon Usagi, the largest typhoon of 2013, passed Hong Kong on September 22nd causing disruptions to flights to and from Hong Kong airport, which were cancelled on Sunday evening as high winds lashed the island.

Typhoon Usagi hits Hong Kong

Typhoon Usagi hits Hong Kong

Typhoon Usagi - which has been dubbed the most powerful of 2013 - has hit regions of Hong Kong and China, reportedly leaving several people dead. Credit: tenashar/NewsPoint

Kiwis arrested in Greenpeace oil protest

Kiwis arrested in Greenpeace oil protest

Two Kiwi activists have been arrested by Russian authorities who boarded a Greenpeace ship protesting against Gazprom's Arctic oil drilling operations. The group released a video of two activists scaling the side of Prirazlomnaya platform, and of security forces threatening them with firearms. courtesy Greenpeace.

Watch: Dog escapes from kitchen!

Watch: Dog escapes from kitchen!

My friends dog kept mysteriously getting out of the kitchen so he set up his laptop to see how he was doing it, the following happened. Courtesy: YouTube/Andrew Holzberger

Kadhafi regime members in court amid tight security

Kadhafi regime members in court amid tight security

Members of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi's ousted regime including ex-intelligence chief Abdullah Senussi appeared in court in Tripoli for a pre-trial hearing amid heavy security. The session was held in camera in a judicial and penal complex surrounded by armoured cars and pickup trucks bristling with anti-aircraft guns.

Epic bridge jumping fail

Epic bridge jumping fail

This video shows a man trying to jump from a bridge for laughs into the water below. Now he appears to be fine but he catches his foot on the bridge he's jumping out of and the effect isn't elegant! Credit: Mark Hicklin/NewsPoint

Unexpected reaction to being tasered

Unexpected reaction to being tasered

A female trainee in the United States Air Force was tasered as part of her training and took the pain out on her colleague. When the shock was delivered the trainee grabbed the groin of one of the men holding her. Ouch. Credit: Bobbi Moreland/NewsPoint.

 Baby elephant trying to wake dog

Baby elephant trying to wake dog

Three vs one trying to wake up a dog; an elephant, a human and a rooster. It wasn't very successful as you can see. Still this baby elephant was very curious and determined to play with this doggy. Credit: Zac Guénette/NewsPoint

Close call with a train

Close call with a train

Queensland rail has released footage of a man narrowly avoiding an express train while darting across train tracks. The video has been released in an effort to encourage people in Queensland to pay more attention to signals and signs at railway crossings. Credit: Queensland Rail/NewsPoint

BBC presenter mistakes photocopy paper for iPad

BBC presenter mistakes photocopy paper for iPad

BBC newsreader Simon McCoy mistakes photocopier paper for iPad.Simon McCoy shows off the latest must-have gadget for BBC newsreaders: a stack of photocopier paper that he mistook for an IPAD.The 51-year-old presenter was doing a piece to camera on 'drunk tanks'.The BBC later said that he had picked up the paper roll by mistake. Courtesy: BBC

NYPD shoot into crowd

NYPD shoot into crowd

Two bystanders where shot by police when they fired and missed someone they believed was reaching for a weapon. Courtesy: Live Leaks

 NASA: LADEE a success

NASA: LADEE a success

LADEE, the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer robotic probe launched Friday night atop an Orbital Sciences Corporation Minotaur V rocket. The first deep space mission from Wallops Flight Facility, LADEE will orbit the moon to collect information about its atmosphere and environmental influences on lunar dust. Data from LADEE will help scientists better understand other planetary bodies in our solar system. Also, Antares Update, Asteroid Ideas Selected, MAVEN's Wings, Next ISS Crew, Testing, Testing!, Lori Garver Farewell, Be Prepared! and more!. Credit: NASA Television

Kerry rejects Assad's 30-day timetable

Kerry rejects Assad's 30-day timetable

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is rejecting Syrian President Bashar Assad's suggestion that he begin submitting data on his chemical weapons arsenal one month after signing an international chemical weapons ban.

Virgin Galactic's second Rocket powered test flight

Virgin Galactic's second Rocket powered test flight

A blog post by Virgin Galactic on the test flight said: "Today is another historic day for Virgin Galactic. The team have carried out our second powered test flight, once again breaking the sound barrier and heading closer and closer to the stars. "This is a giant step. Our spaceship is now the highest commercial winged vehicle in history! We also successfully tested its feather system for carefree re-entry too - the first time that’s happened on a rocket powered flight."

Worst 'twerking' fail ever

Worst 'twerking' fail ever

A young women shaking uncontrollably, also known as twerking is interrupted by someone entering the door and begins flipping over and smashes straight on the coffee table, catching fire as she goes into the candles. Courtesy: Caitlin Heller

USA releases video showing Syria victims

USA releases video showing Syria victims

A U.S. official released a DVD compilation of videos showing victims of the Aug. 21 attack near Damascus as the officials tried to rally support on Saturday for a military strike against Syria.

Kerry: Syrian videos make case for strike

Kerry: Syrian videos make case for strike

The Obama administration is distributing videos showing a chemical weapons attack in Syria to help convince Americans and Congress that a military intervention against the Syrian government is necessary, Secretary of State John Kerry said.

'I killed a man.'

'I killed a man.'

A driver has confessed in a video posted online that he's to blame for a wrong-way car crash stemming from a night of heavy drinking that killed another man and says he's willing to take "full responsibility". Courtesy /

Raging bull's frenzied attack in Spain

Raging bull's frenzied attack in Spain

On August 22nd it was reported nationally that a British man was gored by a bull at the Bous al Carrer festival in Catalonia, Spain. London Underground worker Peter Mayne needed 150 stitches and staples after he was mauled by the raging beast while on a family trip. He was charged down by the half-ton animal while having his photo taken.

Fastest lap around Manhattan

Fastest lap around Manhattan

Police are searching for a driver who completed a lap of Manhattan in a fast 24 minutes and seven seconds. Courtesy /

Rebels blow up Syrian tank in Zabadani

Rebels blow up Syrian tank in Zabadani

Members of Ahrar ash-Sham, a Islamist rebel group in Syria, blew up on Wednesday a Syrian army tank in Zabadani, a city in southwestern Syria. A video of the operation shows an army tank targeting the cameraman before being hit by an explosion. Credit: Ahrar ash-Sham/NewsPoint

Syria: Shell hits crowded street

Syria: Shell hits crowded street

Opposition activists shared a dramatic video showing an explosion hitting a busy street of Rastan in Homs province. According to the video's description the shell hit as civilians, who had been injured in a previous attack reportedly carried out by a MIG fighter jet, were being evacuated.