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DNA testing backfires

DNA testing backfires

Craig Cobb, a white supremacist who wants to ban all blacks from a small North Dakota town, has discovered that he has African ancestry. Courtesy: Mail Online/The Trisha Show

Christmas advert YouTube hit

Christmas advert YouTube hit

The new John Lewis (UK department store) Christmas TV advert has Hare give his best friend Bear a Christmas he'll never forget. It has amassed over five million views and is set to a cover of Keane's 'Somewhere Only We Know' performed by Lily Allen. In a beautiful forest, poor Bear is the only animal that never gets to celebrate Christmas because he has to hibernate every year. However, this year is different. This year Hare has a brilliant idea. courtesy JohnLewisRetail/YouTube.

Super-Typhoon Haiyan seen from ISS

Super-Typhoon Haiyan seen from ISS

On Friday Nov. 8, external cameras on the International Space Station captured views of Super-Typhoon Haiyan which struck the central Philippines municipality of Guiuan at the southern tip of the province of Eastern Samar with a force equivalent to a Category 5 hurricane. Courtesy: NASA

Toronto mayor's drunken rant

Toronto mayor's drunken rant

Toronto's crack-smoking mayor faced embarrassment Thursday when video footage was published showing him in an agitated drunken state, staggering and making foul-mouthed threats.

Space: GOCE Completes his Mission

Space: GOCE Completes his Mission

After more than four years in orbit, mapping the Earth's gravity, ESA's GOCE mission is coming to an end. Due to run out of fuel in mid-October, the sleek satellite will begin a natural descent towards the Earth. Most of the spacecraft will burn up in the atmosphere but its re-entry will be closely monitored from the ground. GOCE -- or Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer -- was the first of ESA's Earth Explorer missions and has significantly improved our understanding of the Earth's gravitational field. Courtesy Mars Underground This has given rise to a unique model of the 'geoid', which is the surface of an hypothetical global ocean in the absence of tides and currents, shaped only by gravity. It is a crucial reference for measuring ocean circulation and sea-level change, which are affected by climate change. The colours in the image represent deviations in height ( -100 m to + 100 m) from an ideal geoid. The blue colours represent low values and the reds/yellows represent high values.

Timelapse: Balloon Fiesta

Timelapse: Balloon Fiesta

You've never seen hot air balloons like this before. A couple weeks ago, Albuquerque, New Mexico held its 42nd annual International Balloon Fiesta. It's a 9-day event where over 700 balloons see liftoff. It's the largest hot air balloon festival in the entire world. courtesy YouTube/ROADTRIPPERS.COM

US spy worries? Not NZ, jokes Minister
New Zealand

US spy worries? Not NZ, jokes Minister

Defence Minister Jonathan Coleman has joked at the Pentagon that New Zealand has nothing to worry about when it comes to the US spying on its allies. Dr Coleman's comment was made during a press conference with his US counterpart Chuck Hagel which confirmed the two countries would resume bilateral military cooperation after a near 30-year interruption. The United States has been embroiled in controversy over surveillance by the NSA - the most recent revelations have centred on claims the agency bugged the mobile phone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and 34 other leaders.

NZ, US resume bilateral military ties
New Zealand

NZ, US resume bilateral military ties

On New Zealand and the US improving its military ties, Dr Coleman was enthusiastic. "We're also very pleased to see the resumption of mil to mil talks after 30 years," cheered New Zealand Defence minister Jonathan Coleman during a press conference at the Pentagon with his US counterpart Chuck Hagel.

All Black jersey given to US Defense Secretary
New Zealand

All Black jersey given to US Defense Secretary

US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel received an All Blacks rugby jersey from New Zealand Defense Minister Jonathan Coleman during a press conference at the Pentagon in Washington to announce NZ, US resume bilateral military ties after nearly 30 years.

Beyonce gets Haka

Beyonce gets Haka

Before International Rugby matches, the New Zealand All Blacks perform the Haka, a traditional war dance meant to intimidate the opponent. It is also used to honor a distinguished guest. After Beyoncé's October 19 show in Auckland the local crew welcomed her with a Haka. Courtesy/YouTube

NSA - Stop Watching Us: The Video

NSA - Stop Watching Us: The Video is a coalition of more than 100 public advocacy organisations and companies from across the political spectrum. This video harnesses the voices of celebrities, activists, legal experts, and other prominent figures in speaking out against mass surveillance by the NSA.

Raw: China - Smog closes schools

Raw: China - Smog closes schools

Smog has choked parts of China's northern city of Harbin, Heilongjiang province, forcing schools and highways to shut and disrupting flights. An index measuring PM2.5, or particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5), reached a reading of 1,000 in some parts of Harbin, home to some 11 million people, state-run news agency Xinhua reported.

Bushfires destroy homes

Bushfires destroy homes

A state of emergency was declared as Australian firefighters continue to battle bushfires that have already destroyed more than 200 homes. Hundreds of people have been left homeless by the bush fires. The following video shows Triple M radio stations' Mark Geyer reporting on the devastating fire that went through Winmalee & Springwood. Credit: Brenden Wood/NewsPoint

Suicide bomber strikes Russian bus

Suicide bomber strikes Russian bus

Russian authorities say a suspected suicide bomber detonated an explosive device on a bus in the southern Russian city of Volgograd. Authorities say a female suicide bomber conducted the attack on the bus, killing six people and injuring 32. According to the Russia Investigative Committee, the blast was carried out by Naida Akhyalova, from Dagestan. Authorities say she was a recent convert to Islam and a wife of a militant leader. Footage has emerged of a the bombing, taken on a Russian dash cam on a car traveling behind the bus.

Orphan's GoogleEarth miracle

Orphan's GoogleEarth miracle

For more than a quarter century, Saroo Brierley searched for his family before finding his way back home with the help of #GoogleEarth. Watch the incredible true story of hope, determination and technology. Credit: Google Maps/NewsPoint

Thousands of caimans living near Rio's Olympic village

Thousands of caimans living near Rio's Olympic village

Some 5,000 to 6,000 broad-snouted caimans live in fetid lagoon systems of western Rio de Janeiro, conservationists say, with visitors warned they could encounter them during the 2016 Olympic Games. Experts have allayed fears however by saying that the caimans, smaller and less aggressive than alligators or crocodiles, are not considered a threat to humans. Some of the animals have already taken refuge in ponds being built inside the Olympic golf course. Courtesy: YouTube/marco antonio da silva

Raw: 18-foot sea creature found

Raw: 18-foot sea creature found

A marine science instructor snorkeling off the Southern California coast spotted the silvery carcass of an 18-foot-long, serpent-like oarfish. Because oarfish dive more than 3,000 feet, sightings are rare and they are largely unstudied.

Safety Old School Style

Safety Old School Style

Golden Girl Betty White proves age is just a number as she gives us the old school version of Air New Zealand's in-flight safety.

Wealth inequality in the UK

Wealth inequality in the UK

Inequality has been rising for 30 years. The gap between rich and poor is the widest since the second world war. If current trends continue, we will have reached Victorian levels of inequality in 20 years. courtesy

Liquor shelf collapses onto women

Liquor shelf collapses onto women

CCTV footage caught in Russia shows the dramatic moment a shelf collapsed in a liquor store, sending a flood of booze onto the floor. The liquor shelf collapsed in the supermarket Magnit. Courtesy: NewsPoint

Masked men attack Maldives TV station

Masked men attack Maldives TV station

A pro-opposition television station in the Maldives has been attacked by masked men who set fire to its studios. The attack on Raajje TV took place before dawn and destroyed its broadcast and transmission equipment and computer systems. Courtesy: Newspoint

Greenpeace: Arctic Sunrise secret filming

Greenpeace: Arctic Sunrise secret filming

In secret footage filmed during Russian authorities' inspection of the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, Captain Peter Willcox, still handcuffed to an official, describes the moment when armed agents searched the vessel and seized laptops and memory cards. courtesy Greenpeace.

Capitol Hill chase before lockdown

Capitol Hill chase before lockdown

Raw footage captured by Alhurra TV shows a woman driving a black sedan leading the police on a chaotic car chase through the Washington D.C. area near Capitol Hill. Multiple shots were fired during the chase after the vehicle rammed a security barrier. Courtesy: YouTube/alhurra

Does your sugar lead to land grabs?

Does your sugar lead to land grabs?

In a new campaign from Oxfam International, the charity has accused beverage giants Coke and Pepsi of stealing land from the poor. "The companies that supply your favorite food brands with sugar may be kicking poor farmers off their land, and out of their homes. They care what you think. Tell Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Associated British Foods to make sure their sugar doesn¹t lead to land grabs" say Oxfam in their video description.Courtesy: oxfaminternational

Sumatran Tiger cub birth

Sumatran Tiger cub birth

London Zoo has release a video showing amazing footage of the birth of a Sumatran Tiger cub. "We are very happy to announce that our Sumatran tiger Melati has given birth to a cub, the first at ZSL London Zoo for 17 years! Here is some amazing footage of the birth and the first steps of the new cub as he bonds with mum" they said. Credit: ZSL