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Bumpy plane landing during Typhoon Cimaron
Bumpy plane landing during Typhoon Cimaron / AIRLIVE net

Woman uses 34-year-old free pass to get into Disneyland
Woman uses 34-year-old free pass to get into Disneyland. Video / KCAL9

Part of Boracay shoreline closed for cleanup after pooping incident
Part of Boracay shoreline closed for cleanup after pooping incident. Video / Facebook / Hazel Ann

Woman smashes man with laptop during violent argument on an American Airlines flight
Woman smashes man with laptop during violent argument on an American Airlines flight. Video / Julia Scorupco

British holidaymaker left paralysed after zooming down waterslide
British holidaymaker zooms down Spanish waterslide before plunging head first into pool - snapping his neck in two places and leaving him paralysed. Video / Dailymail

Unbearably tragic cruise ship accident leaves toddler dead in Puerto Rico
Unbearably tragic cruise ship accident leaves toddler dead in Puerto Rico. Video / CBS 10

Passenger late for flight tries to break into plane
Furious passenger caught on camera attempting to gain access to Jetstar plane. Source: 9 News

Original bus from the Spice Girls movie converted into Airbnb
Original bus from the Spice Girls movie has been converted into a BnB

This Is What the First Roller Coaster on a Cruise Ship Will Look Like
This Is What the First Roller Coaster on a Cruise Ship Will Look Like. /Carnival Cruise Line

Myanmar pilot lands jet missing front wheels
Myanmar pilot lands jet missing front wheels. / Twitter

Luxury river cruising in Bordeaux on the SS Bon Voyage
Luxury river cruising in Bordeaux on the SS Bon Voyage.

Passengers hold vote to eject unruly traveller
Passengers hold vote to eject rude traveller in extraordinary scene on Frontier Airlines flight. Video / @lanaisli

Travellers find out their AirBnB is fake
Travellers track down the host of their 'fake' AirBnB. Video / @sbelanger

Mayor of Venice calls out 'stupid' canal diving tourist
The mayor of Venice called out the dangerous acts of a tourist who dove from a rooftop into a canal. Video / Luigi Brugnaro

Scenes from inside Viking Sky cruise ship before evacuation
Scenes from inside Viking Sky cruise ship before evacuation. Twitter / @alexus309

Woman climbs through x-ray machine after refusing to let go of handbag
Woman climbs through x-ray machine after refusing to let go of handbag.

'Emotional support peacock' denied flight
An 'emotional support peacock' was barred from a United Airlines flight at Newark Liberty International Airport. Credit: Sherri Ross

Flight Fight: Violent brawl forces plane to land in Sydney
A plane was forced to divert to Sydney less than two hours after it took off thanks to a passenger wanting to fight with other passengers. / Rico David Garilli

Boone Hall plantation and gardens
Ryan Reynolds was married at Boone Hall, a former slave plantation that hosts luxurious weddings with a range of event venues across 738 acres in South Carolina. Video / Boone Hall

Hannah Tamaki leads protest to close NZ's borders
Hannah Tamaki leads a Vision NZ protest to close NZ’s borders as Shanghai flight arrives. Video / Supplied