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Aloha Hawaii skies

Aloha Hawaii skies

Hawaiian airlines first plane is a 1929 Bellanca. President and Chief Executive Mark Dunkerley still flies the plane for staff and guests

Flying to Waiheke Island with Heletranz

Flying to Waiheke Island with Heletranz

Travel's Eveline Harvey took a flight to Waiheke Island's Mudbrick Vineyard & Restaurant with North Shore-based Heletranz, one of a number of great daytrip packages the company offers.

Ruapehu in the snow

Ruapehu in the snow

Skiing can be weather-dependent, so it helps to stay near the fields. That way, you can leave calls about heading up the mountain to the last minute.

For information on Mt Ruapehu ski passes and deals, see:

Red Bull's Hangar-7, Salzburg

Red Bull's Hangar-7, Salzburg

A quick tour of the coolest museum in Europe: planes and racing cars raced under the Red Bull insignia, plus some other crazy stuff. Video / Grant Bradley