Latest fromPolitics

MPs walk out of Parliament
New Zealand|politics

MPs walk out of Parliament

NZ First MPs and Labour's Trevor Mallard have walked out of Parliament in protest after Speaker David Carter allowed United Future MP Peter Dunne to keep the extra funding and entitlements that come with being a party leader, despite the de-registration of his party.

John Key: Post Budget comments
New Zealand|politics

John Key: Post Budget comments

Prime Minister John Key answers some questions a day after National's finance minister Bill English announced the national budget. Family caregiver benefits, Poverty, Food in schools programme and Meridian energy listing on the NZX were the main topics.

Key: Cyber attacks, espionage targeting Govt
New Zealand|politics

Key: Cyber attacks, espionage targeting Govt

Prime Minister John Key yesterday revealed intelligence agencies have detected attempts by hackers to steal New Zealand technology that could be used to create weapons of mass destruction. Mr Key made the claim to reinforce the need for law changes to allow electronic eavesdropping on New Zealanders by the Government Communications Security Bureau.

Peters condemns Argo movie
New Zealand|politics

Peters condemns Argo movie

A NZ First leader Winston Peters motion was passed in Parliament to correct the grave misrepresentation of the courageous and commendable role of New Zealand diplomats in the 1979 Tehran hostage crisis in the movie Argo.

Key, English on Mighty River sale
New Zealand|politics

Key, English on Mighty River sale

Prime Minister John Key and Finance Minister Bill English on the sale of Mighty River Power shares to would-be investors. PM John Key said the Government is intending to keep its promises about ensuring a high level of New Zealand ownership.

Secretary for Education steps down
New Zealand|education

Secretary for Education steps down

Secretary for Education Lesley Longstone has resigned after a relationship breakdown with the Minister of Education Hekia Parata, and will receive a payout. State Services Commissioner Iain Rennie announced today he had been in "talks" with Ms Longstone for a month, and a joint decision had been reached between them three weeks ago.

John Key on Horan
New Zealand|politics

John Key on Horan

Embattled former NZ First MP Brendan Horan's use of his parliamentary mobile phone to place bets at the TAB is not sufficient reason to sack him, Prime Minister John Key says.

John Key on Taliban killing
New Zealand|politics

John Key on Taliban killing

Prime Minister John Key reacts to the news that a senior Taliban leader thought to be behind a roadside bombing in which three New Zealand soldiers died has reportedly been killed by coalition forces.