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Path of Exile open beta trailer

Path of Exile open beta trailer

Path of Exile is an online Action RPG set in the dark fantasy world of Wraeclast. We're a small independent team of hardcore gamers based in New Zealand and have created Path of Exile as the game that we'd want to play ourselves.

KiwiSaver Series Part Three

KiwiSaver Series Part Three

Nearly half of all New Zealanders are now paying into KiwiSaver but many people are still wondering what is actually happening to the money they put in. Join us for Part Three in our beginner's guide to KiwiSaver. Five years since it kicked off, KiwiSaver is still a mystery to many New Zealanders and we decided to provide a simple guide which covers the nuts and bolts. Experts Mary Holm and Chris Douglas tackle all the basic questions in a way which is easy to understand and jargon-free.

KiwiSaver Series Part Four

KiwiSaver Series Part Four

With nearly two million members and $12.8 billion invested in KiwiSaver, is launching a four-part video series about the retirement savings scheme. Join us for Part Four in our beginners guide to KiwiSaver.

KiwiSaver Series Part Two

KiwiSaver Series Part Two

Nearly half of all New Zealanders are now paying into KiwiSaver but many people are still wondering what it's all about and what is actually happening to the money they are putting in. Today, we're releasing the second video in our four-part series about KiwiSaver, with experts Mary Holm and Chris Douglas tackling the questions.

KiwiSaver Series Part One

KiwiSaver Series Part One

With nearly two million members and $12.8 billion invested in KiwiSaver, is launching a four-part video series about the retirement savings scheme. Five years since it kicked off, KiwiSaver is still a mystery to many New Zealanders and we decided to provide a simple guide which covers the nuts and bolts. Experts Mary Holm and Chris Douglas tackle all the basic questions in a way which is easy to understand and jargon-free.

Telecom change 'roaming' charges

Telecom change 'roaming' charges

Telecom has announced flat-rate data plans for its customers travelling overseas and says the move will save some users almost 90 per cent. The company will charge $6 a day for customers on post-paid plans using data across the Tasman, though says it will review this in 2013. Video supplied by Telecom.

Time lapse: ASB Building reflector installed

Time lapse: ASB Building reflector installed

The ASB Building on Jellicoe Street is already turning heads on the waterfront and this week a large reflector device in the shape of a sail was installed on the top of it. The reflector is to act as an important part of the buildings ventilation and lighting system and was designed using cutting-edge yacht design technology. It is an integrated part of the massive funnel installed in May 2012 that forms part of the passive ventilation and natural lighting system under the main vent on the top of the building. Credit McCabe photography

 Enterprise Precinct and Innovation Campus (EPIC) opens

Enterprise Precinct and Innovation Campus (EPIC) opens

New Zealand's community of hi-tech entrepreneurs. The Sanctuary building, has opened. It is the first stage of an ambitious project to create a world class centre for innovation-based companies in Canterbury. It's called the Enterprise Precinct and Innovation Campus (EPIC).

No fees to donate online to charities
New Zealand

No fees to donate online to charities

From significant events such as the Christchurch earthquake and the tsunami in Samoa to the more offbeat challenges such as racing across Mongolia on horseback. The Telecom Foundation has purchased, permanently removing the 5% administration charge as part of the deal.

Telecom launches Windows Phone 8 set

Telecom launches Windows Phone 8 set

Telecom has announced it will become the first operator in New Zealand to sell smartphones using Microsoft's new Windows Phone 8. Watch footage of the launch event at Telecom's Auckland headquarters yesterday.

Moa lists on the NZX

Moa lists on the NZX

Boutique beer brewer Moa has today become the first company of the year to list on the New Zealand Stock Exchange. Shares in Moa Group started trading at 12pm, selling at an 8 per cent premium of $1.35 each. Chief executive Geoff Ross spoke to Ben Chapman-Smith, Business reporter from at the Northern Steamship bar in Auckland, immediately after shares went live.

Fracking in NZ - Todd Energy

Fracking in NZ - Todd Energy

Todd Energy has released a report it says shows the practice of hydraulic fracturing - or 'fracking' is safe in NZ. This is an animated film produced by Todd demonstrating what it says is fracking in action.

Going green: Inside ASB North Wharf

Going green: Inside ASB North Wharf

ASB's distinctive new North Wharf headquarters is the bank's flagship for sustainable design - promising to deliver a new standard in environmental health and well-being for its employees. The Herald goes inside with property general manger Derek Shortt to find out how.

Students win $20,000 for broadband plans

Students win $20,000 for broadband plans

A competition designed to get young people thinking about the benefits of ultra-fast broadband has netted ten students $2000 each. A $1.35 billion government initiative will see 75 per cent of New Zealanders connected to ultra-fast broadband (UFB) by 2020. In light of this, Telecom has just run its first 'Amazing Ideas Search', asking school students to suggest ways that UFB will improve their lives.

Doing business in China: A view from the ground

Doing business in China: A view from the ground

Pat English has been based in China for 12 years, currently in his role of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Commissioner & Consul General in Guangzhou, China He talks to business reporter Ben Chapman-Smith about what he's seeing on the ground in China and why kiwi businesses need to take a hard look at themselves before entering the market.

Business: Tapping into China’s growing wealth

Business: Tapping into China’s growing wealth

New Zealand business leaders gathered in Auckland to talk about increasing their foothold in the world’s second largest economy. The China Business Summit, held at the Langham Hotel, aimed to help New Zealand businesses better take advantage of China’s growing wealth. Opened by Prime Minister John Key, top leaders such as Fonterra's Theo Spierings and Mainfreight's Don Braid shared their knowledge about doing business in China.

The Shopping Channel: Greg Partington interview

The Shopping Channel: Greg Partington interview

Greg Partington is managing director of Ogilvy and the driving force behind the 'start up' television Shopping Channel launching in NZ on October 1st. He spoke to in a rare interview about the reasons for the channel; the commercial process from the idea to the creation of a company that is aiming for quick success in such a competitive market.

Business: Pioneering eco-design - Geyser building

Business: Pioneering eco-design - Geyser building

New Zealand’s first building to be awarded 6 Green Stars in sustainable office design has opened its doors. The Geyser office building in Parnell, Auckland, has glass walls on all sides, is set above a 180-vehicle automated car park stacking system, and has 100 per cent fresh air. Designed by Andrew Patterson, the 5040-square metre Geyser has been designed to use 27 per cent of the energy of a typical office building of its size, require only half the artificial lighting, and use only half the water. Business Reporter Ben Chapman-Smith spoke with Chief Architect Andrew Patterson. Excerpts of Geyser video courtesy of Buildmedia music by FC Kahuna/ Hayling

Westlake Boys: 2012 ANZ Massey Economics Challenge

Westlake Boys: 2012 ANZ Massey Economics Challenge

Westlake Boys recommended selling minority stakes in state-owned power companies – and using the funds generated to purchase majority stakes in key privately-owned power companies. Judge Simon Chapple, principal advisor at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, said: “Your solution really stood out, and economists often quite like counter-intuitive solutions. However you need to be aware if you are going to go down the counter-intuitive route, if you are going to step outside the herd, then your argument has got to be doubly strong. You are going to be subject to a lot more criticism because you are not thinking like everyone else.”

Macleans College: 2012 ANZ Massey Economics Challenge

Macleans College: 2012 ANZ Massey Economics Challenge

Macleans College concluded that while the sale of state assets was not a perfect solution, it did offer the most suitable way of reducing the government’s debt in the short term. Judge Dr Philip Stevens, head of economic research at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, said: “This year’s presentation question shows you the kind of questions we have to deal with in economics – i.e. it’s very hard and there’s no simple answer. In economics we ask questions like: Why is Africa poor? Why is water, the most important thing we’ve got, worth less than diamonds? What services should be provided by the state? The questions are complicated, and the winning team used the economic tools at their disposal to weigh up the pros and cons, and then systematically arrive at their solution."

Mercedes-Benz one to watch: Clinton Beuvink

Mercedes-Benz one to watch: Clinton Beuvink

Nosh CEO Clinton Beuvink explains why it is so crucial for staff to have a passion for their company. For him, the cashier has the most important role within his company. “The cashier completes the experience,” he says. “They can make it totally memorable, because they’re the last interaction point, or they can destroy it.”

Mercedes-Benz one to watch: Janene Draper

Mercedes-Benz one to watch: Janene Draper

Farro Fresh co-founder Janene Draper explains how to empower staff and help them develop within the company. She suggests allowing employees to go on training courses and to act on their own development ideas. “We’ve had staff that have started off on the shop floor being a barista. “They’ve now got company cars and the other staff can actually see what’s happening within the group.”