It always surprises me to see hitchhikers. Surely we've had enough straight-to-video slasher movies to have put everyone off hitching once and for all? It seems not, especially down on the West Coast.
Down there, on some of New Zealand's most beautiful roads, it's common to see a backpacker's raised thumb. Even locals get around by hitching. Such faith in people - and such openness to new experiences - is endearing.
Perhaps we should be doing more to encourage a culture of hitching. Picking up a stranger has to be among the most hospitable things you can do - playing the role of a modern-day Good Samaritan of the highways.
And who knows? The person you pick up might be someone in need of help. They might someday become your best friend.
Last week, I attended the funeral of a Coaster. Bruce Hamilton was a good man. Many fine stories were told - one in particular summed up not just what a lovely bloke Bruce was, but a bit of the warmth we should all show our fellow travellers through life.