Hats - in case you ever visit my campground - go in the hat box.
And shoes - you'll find - belong in the shoe box.
If you find a hat, put it in the hat box; and if you're looking for your hat, don't ask me - go look in the hat box.
We are here to relax. Put your feet up, chill out, don't stress. But - even though it might sound somewhat counter-intuitive - a little bit of orderliness will make the relaxation more possible. Especially when your camping involves kids and the mayhem they bring.
Few things in life shatter my relaxation more than a kid asking me where their shoes are - inevitably you find one shoe easily; the other after an hour-long hunt. And few things in life elevate my stress levels like trying to find a hat for a kid when the sun is blazing. (A couple of weeks back, I had to remove a bee sting from the shoeless foot of a redheaded, hatless kid on a blazingly hot day. As the parent on duty at the time, it was my fault he was shoeless and hatless.)