Depending on where you fly, the price difference between a seat and checked bag and just a carry on can be significant.
There are many reasons travellers may board a plane with a carry on bag and nothing else. Maybe you don't want the hassle of checking a bag for just a few days away or can't face springing extra for a checked bag.
No matter the 'why', travelling with just a carry-on means space is limited and overpacking must be avoided.
The main reason travellers overpack is uncertainty according to professional packer Lydia Mansel told Travel + Leisure. If you feel unconfident or unsure about your trip, you're more likely to stuff your bag with various items to cover possible events or weather conditions.
Aside from getting clear on what exactly your trip could involve (checking the weather, organising an itinerary, researching different dress codes), here are five things you should think twice about packing.