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Watch: Once-in-a-lifetime holiday bliss at Canada's Sonora Resort

Tess Nichol is all the richer for spotting a humpback whale and witnessing swooping bald eagles at an exclusive resort in British Columbia.<BR><BR><a href='http://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/news/article.cfm?c_id=7&objectid=11784362' target='_blank'>Read Tess' article here</a>.<BR><BR>For more information, see <a href='http://sonoraresort.com' target='_blank'>sonoraresort.com</a>.

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Kumeu River wine: A family legacy

Kumeu River wine: A family legacy

Kumeu River chardonnays are attracting the attention of international wine critics, 80 years after the Brajkovich family planted the first vines. Video / Michael Craig