Musician and Popstars judge Nathan King on Abbey Road in London. Photo / Supplied
Musician and Popstars judge Nathan King on Abbey Road in London. Photo / Supplied
The musician and Popstars judge Nathan King shares his favourite holiday memories
What do you miss most about travel right now?
The sense of adventure and the unexpected.
What are your strongest memories from the first overseas trip you ever took?
I went to Sydney on a high school music trip. I sang for our big band, and got spontaneous applause when I began the first song – which made me really like Australians, and hopeful that I had a future as a musician.
What was a standard family holiday like when growing up?
We didn't have a lot, so most holidays were spent around my hometown of Christchurch. I do remember one epic drive from Christchurch to the Far North in my teens though, which was my first proper experience of the North Island.
Probably all the men and women who fought during WWII. I've always been fascinated by Europe and the land that was fought over. It's incredible to visit these peaceful, old towns and villages over the years and imagine what people endured to win them back from Nazi Germany.
A mission to find the grave of my wife's great uncle who was shot down in a fighter during the war. He was kept safely hidden by the people of the occupied town but eventually made a dash for his own lines, only to be killed by friendly artillery fire. There is a memorial to him and he became something of a town hero to the people of that village.
And the worst?
An overnight train through Egypt where nearly everyone got really sick. The toilets were over-flowing, but the train kept on rolling…
What's your approach to packing for a big trip?
I try to get the basics in there, but then my "what if" kicks in, and I end up lugging loads I don't need.
What is the destination that most surprised you – good or bad?
London. After two years living there I still only felt like we'd scratched the surface.
Sunset in Santorini impresses everyone - even the locals who have seen it all before. Photo / 123RF
Where was your most memorable sunrise/sunset?
Easy – Oia on Santorini. Even the wait staff at the local restaurants stopped to gaze each night, which is saying something.
What's the first thing you do when you get home from a long trip?