Victoria Abbott says the most amazing sunset she ever saw was in Rarotonga. Photo / Getty Images
Victoria Abbott says the most amazing sunset she ever saw was in Rarotonga. Photo / Getty Images
The Educators actor, Victoria Abbott, on her favourite travel memories
What do you miss most about travel right now?
The getting to plan with people imagining all the things you'll do. Actually I can probably still do that…
What are your strongest memories from the first overseas trip you ever took?
I was born to Kiwi parents during their 11-year OE. My first big plane trip was back to NZ. I remember the smell of my Nana and picking stones up from the driveway.
What was a standard family holiday like when growing up?
I'm notoriously car sick and my dad was notoriously uncompromising in his driving style. There were a lot of placebo attempts: sitting on paper bags and eating my way through entire lemons.
Who has most inspired your travels?
My mum was super intrepid in the 70s. She and her best friend Judith flounced all over the place until they were in a bus crash that rolled down a hill in Muar, Malaysia. Mum came home with two fully broken arms. Legend. I tried very hard to bait her with two months solo travelling when I was 18 but she refused to stress.
Clown school in Paris was pretty epic: Getting yelled at in French everyday. Cheeses. Attractive actors learning handstands. Being ignored at bakeries. Heaven. I also went last year to Vietnam with my mum and it was amazing until I cuddled a tiny street dog and got a parasite.
Educators' star Victoria Abbott in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Photo / Supplied
And the worst?
Again, the car sickness. One particularly bad transit from Scotland to London after a fantastic night will remain my worst in perpetuity. Spews in a taxi/bus/train/plane/tube all within seven hours. A record, even for me.
What's your approach to packing for an overseas trip?
Ultimate nerd. On the way there I'm suuuuper smug, I used to be a chronic overpacker but now I'm a single carry on and packing list with tick boxes. On the way back all bets are off and I'm usually wearing 17 layers and lifting 20kg of carry on with one hand trying to look casual.
What is the destination that most surprised you – good or bad?
I was unprepared for how unstylish I would be in Korea. Everyone knows how good looking Koreans are, but everyone was also impeccably dressed (and very kind to me). I wore Birkenstocks and an ill-advised layered bob and was gutted I hadn't brought my A-game.
Where was your most memorable sunrise/sunset?
When I was a kid I went to kindy in Rarotonga for a bit after living in London. Our first night as the sun set my brother and I looked up at the sky and he yelled out "fireworks Mum!" because we'd never seen stars like it.
What's the first thing you do when you get home from a long trip?
Full unpack. Teeth. Shower. Bed.
Where is the one destination you must see in your lifetime?
Rakiura. My whole extended family went there together but I stayed behind to be in the chorus of an unpaid amateur Cats the musical. I have never lived it down.
What's your favourite thing about travel?
You can't help but be in the present. It's pure joy getting up and picking a path you've never walked before. I'm sure that can happen closer to home, I'm collecting a list of recommendations for Aotearoa.