One traveller described Dubai as soulless, cultureless and artificial. Photo / Getty Images
One traveller described Dubai as soulless, cultureless and artificial. Photo / Getty Images
When you're travelling, some places resonate with you better than others.
A Redditer, who currently lives in Amsterdam, recently asked the internet: "What is a place you'll never return to and why?"
"Mine would be Athens. I visited Athens four years ago with a friend. My friend is Indian but he now lives in London. It was just appalling how he was treated by some people. I know not all people are racist but it was just too common. He wasn't allowed in some stores and even shouted at across the streets by some thugs," he wrote, adding that many parts of the city are very rundown.
The Parthenon is worth a look, but don't waste your time in Athens. Photo / 123RF
Sometimes it comes down to quantifiable factors such as traffic, pollution, or socio-economic status. Other times, it simply comes down to "the vibe of the thing". Either way, it makes for some interesting talking points.
"Many people love the place for the ultra-modern mega malls and supertall skyscrapers. But I've been there three times and without a doubt it's the most soulless, cultureless, and artificial city I've been to," wrote PacSan300.
"In my opinion, the shameless and obscene display of bling-bling only adds to this vibe. There are other cities which also have lots of skyscrapers but I count them among my favourites, such as Tokyo and Hong Kong."
Others disagreed, saying the Emirate city has come a long way.
Another disagreed and said the Emirate city had come a long way since the 70s. Photo / 123RF
"I enjoyed Dubai. Been there twice when I visited my wife when she lived there. The UAE didn't really start developing anything until quite recent. Dubai didn't even have an asphalt runway until the early 1970s," one man observed.
"My favourite part was riding their metro during rush hour when people were getting out of work. It gets packed really fast and I enjoyed people watching, especially when you have such a diverse mix of people from other countries. The city feels really clean. I enjoyed the futuristic looking buildings. I thought the beach was nice."
Clair, from Shrewsbury in the UK, wrote that she's not a fan of London.
"I realise people will find this controversial, but I did not like a single thing about the place, I think I just found it too overwhelming and busy."
She added that in her opinion, other British cities such as Edinburgh or York trump London every time in terms of livability.
Multiple people agreed London has nothing on the charm of Edinburgh. Photo / 123RF
"I honestly never want to go back again," she added.
"I had a 12-hour layover so my friend and I did a quick walk through London ... Got the same feeling as you. Plus I found the people seemed really pissy and stand-offish, though their subway was on strike so I understand why they were in a foul mood," an Indian user wrote.
"I'll give London another chance but it wasn't my scene at first glance.
"I really think you have to approach London knowing you are going to a massive city and seeing it all in a few days is a fool's errand ... Breaking it down in highlights and [easily] digestible chunks over a longer visit makes London much less stressful," a user called RockAndRollCityPlan wrote.
A Californian user commented that people judge the United Kingdom by their experience in London in the same way many travellers judge the United States based on their visits to New York, Orlando, Miami or Los Angeles.
There's nothing sparkly about the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles. Photo / 123RF
"People often ... use a bad experience or disappointment with the place to judge the whole country negatively," he observed, before adding that Hollywood is "a dirty, rundown and overrated dump" to be avoided at all costs.
"I saw the pyramids and I'm done," an American called FinTheMan wrote.
"The whole of Egypt. I don't expect the ancient monuments will change much in my lifetime. Don't care for all the con artists there," agreed Mikkelson88.
After seeing the pyramids, one Redditor couldn't find anything else to do in Egypt. Photo / 123RF
"I spent a month in Egypt and love it," another user disagreed.
"The pyramids aren't even the best thing in Egypt. If that's all you saw you did yourself a terrible disservice. That's like going to New York, seeing the Statue of Liberty, and leaving."
"Cannot express how much I hated that city. Everything was overpriced, the locals were not the nicest, and the city (to me) was dirty ... My friend and I were planning to spend a week there, we left after three days," one user wrote.
Popular with sex tourists, Pattaya in Thailand has a 'creepy vibe'. Photo / 123RF
"Phuket is indeed rather unpleasant, but it is paradise compared to Pattaya. THAT is a Thai city I vow to never go back to. It is full of rude, uncouth and boorish tourists who have had too much to drink, it has a really creepy vibe with all those sexpats," another added.
"Oh man. Phuket is seedy, overpriced, fake and full of ... sex tourists. Never going back there," an American called AlexUnderwater agreed.