Cycle syncing is a popular fitness approach for women but is it worth trying for travel? Photo / Getty
Cycle syncing is a popular fitness approach for women but is it worth trying for travel? Photo / Getty
Cycle syncing suggests women can optimise travels by planning them around their menstrual cycle but experts are mixed on how beneficial it is, Sarah Pollok writes.
Every week it seems there’s a new wellness trend to follow from drinking ghee coffee and doing 75 Hard to prioritising protein or sleeping with mouth tape.
One fad that has bobbed along on the tide of trends is cycle syncing. One for the women, cycle syncing involves changing your exercise schedule, diet and other lifestyle habits based on your menstrual cycle.
As hormones and moods fluctuate, so too can the way you move, fuel and treat your body, explains Anna Targonskaya, an obstetrician and gynaecologist and the research lead at Hormona, a Swedish-based hormone-tracking app.
“It’s all about planning your life around the highs and lows of your cycle. From the peaks of ovulation to the troughs of PMS, and everything in between,” she told Herald Travel. At home, this can mean selecting different workout classes, planning a social calendar differently and prioritising certain foods for their nutritional profiles. It’s also a concept that can be applied to travel.
Anna Targonskaya is the Medical & Research Lead at Hormona.
“Rather than expecting the same from yourself all month long, you factor in your individual cycle and hormone profile, and adjust your vacation routine accordingly,” she said, adding travellers who regularly track their symptoms will know physical and emotional feelings to expect while abroad.
For example, Targonskaya explains that people tend to feel more energised during their follicular phase and may wish to engage in more adventurous activities. “Save those beach trips and relaxing swims for the luteal phase, where your energy levels are typically lower,” she added.
Between organising school holidays, work projects and cheap deals, it can be hard enough to get a trip in the diary without considering menstruation. So, are those who can’t plan escapes around their cycles really missing out on the optimal way to travel? Or is cycle syncing one of the wellness trends with lots of hype and little substance?
Like many wellbeing practices, the benefit really does depend on the individual says Auckland-based endocrinologist Dr Sasha Nair.
“Women who have subtle changes in energy or mood in their cycle or mild PMS (premenstrual syndrome) could of course make lifestyle adjustments if they wish, whether travelling or not, this is a matter of personal choice,” Nair said.
Research on the efficacy of cycle syncing for exercise has been reportedly mixed. Some studies show improved performance when people align workouts with their cycle while others show little difference. Experts have also pointed out that menstruation isn’t a rigid, universal process and there can be variations in the length of someone’s cycle or the amount of estrogen and progesterone they produce at certain points.
As Nair mentioned, there is no harm in adjusting travel or life plans to be slower and quieter during the menstrual phase and more social and active during the follicular phase, if that feels pleasant. What is cause for concern is when one’s symptoms are so intense they feel they must structure their travels or lifestyle around their cycle.
“For people who have more troublesome premenstrual/cyclical symptoms which affect their quality of life/ability to do certain activities, again lifestyle approaches can be implemented if they wish, but it is important to know that there are more effective medical treatment options available for cyclical symptoms,” Nair said.
Nair said PMS and the more severe variation PPMD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) are likely under-reported, under-recognised and under-studied. Still, there are ways to minimise symptoms rather than minimise travel plans.
So, is cycle syncing for travel worth the hype?
If you have a consistent cycle and prefer a certain level of socialising and activity during different phases, there is little harm in tweaking a trip to account for how you may feel. For those who can’t account for the time of the month, you may not be missing out on much, while those with more serious menstrual symptoms could benefit from seeking medical support.