Where do chefs in London eat after hours?
Duck and Waffle for a high-end, 24-hour kitchen. Bagel Bake, Brick Lane, for a stumbling, late-night munch before bed.
Where's the best place to see a cool local band?
Columbia Rd Market. Great buskers on a Sunday if you can handle the crowds. Proud gallery, Camden. XOYO Shoreditch, Oslo in Hackney Central, Bethnal Green Working Men's Club.
Best place for a bracing walk?
Along the canal to Hackney Wick. At the end of the walk is a brewery with a pizza oven. Enough said.
Best club?
Arsenal? I don't get out much these days.
Where's the 'It' place to see and be seen?
The Chiltern Fire House in Marylebone. Poolside on the roof at Shoreditch House - weather permitting.