The best trip I've ever been on was visiting Queenstown during Westside season three's Christmas holidays. My girlfriend, Bec, and I stayed in a recently renovated horse stable that had been converted into an Airbnb and had absolutely incredible 360-degree views of Queenstown. We also managed to visit Milford Sound, the Onsen Hot Pools and loads of other breathtaking spots. It ended up being so much better than we anticipated and definitely takes the cake for one of the best holidays we have ever taken together.
Bec and I decided to road trip to a festival; the length of the trip ultimately caused many arguments, cramping and sleep deprivation. We had to cram 17 hours of driving into two days — it was an absolute mental idea but mama didn't raise no quitters, so we committed and later regretted. The distance was approximately 1679km. Due to technical problems with my car, we had to take my girlfriend's less spacious vehicle at the last minute. She drives a Mazda 2, so three hours in, our bodies had already started cramping up. We still had 14 hours on the clock, not including stopovers. The festival was just outside Byron Bay which is an absolutely incredible place. It would have eventually panned out to be the ultimate silver lining to our strenuous trip . . . if only we hadn't arrived to a cancelled festival.